Search Results

  1. T

    When to let go? Very Sick Kitty

    I have a 16 y.o. sweet kitty who the vet thinks has lymphosarcoma. She's got a large tumor in her abdominal cavity and another one around her heart. They did not run any bloodwork when I took her in, just x-rays, and said that the prognosis is grim and that we can bring her in at any time to be...
  2. T

    Trying To Place Rescued Kittens

    I posted here a month or two ago about a feral momma cat and her kittens (thank you all for your help) - as an update, the momma cat has been spayed and then a week later released back into our back yard where she's living now. A regular food supply from us makes our yard that much more...
  3. T

    Socializing 6-wk old Feral Kittens

    Hi Everyone, Glad to have found this site! I've read through some of the messages, but did not quite find the answers to my situation. I would really appreciate your all knowledge in helping me out! Over the weekend I trapped a feral mamacat and her 3 feral kittens. The kittens are 6 weeks old...