Search Results

  1. MeiMei

    I Found a Single Flea, what do I do!

    Okay, so Mei Mei hasn't had fleas in a very long time. Solely and indoor cat, no other cats. I'm not sure where this flea came from. And I haven't seen a second one??? In the past, I used Hartz Ultra guard flea collar with no issue. But after a few emergency health issues Mei has had I'm...
  2. MeiMei

    Switching from Hill's to Royal Canin

    Okay, so for the last 3 years, my boy has been on Hills C/D Stress canned food for urinary crystals and stress. Hill's apparently has a shortage and not even my vet is able to get a hold of more than 5 cans. They suggested I switch to Royal Canin Urinary SO until Hill's picks back up with...
  3. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    Mei Mei had a small cyst removed from his cheek on Friday, along with one tooth extraction. I'm just having mega anxiety and need some advice on how kitties are supposed to act with stitches and such. He's had dental cleanings and extractions before, but for the life of me I can't remember him...
  4. MeiMei

    Suddenly going under the bed?

    Mei Mei has recently started going under the bed. Still eating (a lot) drinking water, and using the restroom. Has had some soft stools, but nothing super out of the ordinary. Still active at night (loud, running about and such). He seems basically the same, save for instead of napping on the...
  5. MeiMei

    Possible Lipoma?

    I posted about Mei's lump about a month ago I'd say, and since then I've taken him to the vet tk get his shots and get checked out. So, it started out as like, a little nodule under the skin. Movable and squishy. Now it seems like the entire mass is now on the outside. It's a bit red and mad...
  6. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Haven't posted here in a while! Mei mei has been in really good health for a while, but recently he's developed a squishy lump sort of by his jaw/neck? It's movable and it doesn't bother him when I touch it. It's come up to the surface a bit like a cyst would maybe?? The top is just a bit...
  7. MeiMei

    Clavamox Whoops?

    My vet prescribed my cat clavamox for his after tooth extraction care. They did not tell me tk mix with water, just handed me the bottle and said 'here ya go' . So flash forward, I give my cat some without mixing it, luckily most of it ended up in my lap or hands or he spit it out. It's the...
  8. MeiMei

    Tooth Extraction And Anxiety!

    Mei mei had 3 teeth extracted today because of resorption and I am just super nervous. I know he'll feel so much better not having hurty teeth but I need some advice on how to make him comfortable and what the after are will be like. Does anyone have any personal experiences to help me calm...
  9. MeiMei

    Dental Cleaning Anxiety

    My sweet 8 year old mei is going in for his pre-dental cleaning blood panel this Sunday, and I am having some anxiety about the whole thing. He's had blood work before and has been put under before. Though that was for an emergency bladder flush to remove a blockage. I know he'll probably be...
  10. MeiMei

    Winter Issues?

    Well it's way below freezing where we live right now, and the allergy count has been super high. I've definitely been sneezing and itchy for a few days. But it seems Mei isn't feeling too well either. Does anyone know of we could be suffering this nonsense together? I'm not sure if winter...
  11. MeiMei

    Ongoing Eye Redness

    OK so, Recently my little boy has had a few problems with his left eye. The sclera gets red and irritated, and it's weepy. Nothing yellow or green. Just clear. He's a bit winky and uncomfortable looking. I've taken him to the vet with it twicem*two different vets just to be sure* Both said it...
  12. MeiMei

    Pooping And Yelling?

    Good morning OK so here's the thing. Mei mei is having pretty normal poops, nothing too smelly or soft. Some maybe a little hard but not too hard. Recently, he's started meowing a little, getting in the box, meowing just a bit more, pooping normally, covering it and just walking out. No...
  13. MeiMei

    Foamy Cat Urine

    So my cat had a pee this morning that sounded normal, smelled normal. I'm assuming he hadn't gone all night so there was quite a bit. But on top of the litter at the end of the pee, it was like.... Latte foam almost. What is happening hereeeee??
  14. MeiMei

    Mucus In Between Normal Poops

    My kitty has pretty normal poops, but like every 3 days or so he has the beginning of a normal poop, followed by very soft stool covered in mucus? He doesn't seem to be sick or straining *I watch my little boy like a hawk* . Basically he'll poop a regular good normal poo, then the end of...
  15. MeiMei

    Need Some Poop Advice

    So, my little man got back from the vet three days ago, and has been urinating regular but the vet recommended Fortiflora since he has had some questionable poops recently. 1 out of every 3 would have like a mucus casing so she recommended a probiotic. Well he now hasn't pooped in 3 days, but...
  16. MeiMei

    Urine And Stress

    OK so, Mei just got home from the vet which really stressed him out. He has pretty bad anxiety about leaving the house to begin with so this definitely was not fun. About 2 months ago he had a urinary blockage and had to be unblocked and put in an IV for 3 days. Today his vet said his bladder...
  17. MeiMei

    Why Does My Boy Pee Once A Day??

    He's done it most of the time he's lived with me, but about a month and a half ago he had to be put on a catheter for a urinary obstruction. So now I watch the litter box like a hawk and it constantly because it seems he holds it til the last minute and then goes. Before the health...
  18. MeiMei

    Poop Questions

    My kitty is on the Hills Prescription diet. The chicken and veggie stew one. I think he's had some mild constipation but today he took one big number two. I noticed that one bit of it was a bit mucusy. Does anyone know if this is normal after a little constipation?? The mucus was kind of...
  19. MeiMei

    Blockage Anxiety!!

    My 8y/o boy is scheduled to come home today after a three day vet stay. He's had a catheter and IV treatments for all three days and honestly this just kind of knocked me flat on my butt. I am absolutely terrified of bringing him home, and out of the clean safe vet environment. He's never really...