Search Results

  1. LouH

    Long Haired Cat Pulls Fur Out And Around After Flea Treatment

    ive taken Lily to the vet at least 8 times over this is the past 3 years and they literally don't have any idea why she does what she does and you guys seem like a knowledgeable lot so thought I'd ask your opinions. Sadly I don't have pictures :-/ Anyway she's a long hair domestic cat and...
  2. LouH

    Tom Cats Loitering Again..

    hi all, I'm new here but have been reading loads of posts the past week or so. My girl is 64 days (I'm guessing - day 1 to me was the day I realised she was definitely in season - tom cats calling all hours) pregnant. She's HUGE considering she's such a small girl. We were away from Saturday and...