Recent Content by zazusmom

  1. Z it bad for kitties?

    WOW! I wonder how that kitty site could sell kitty dietary garlic suppliments. Thanks for the info...any other opinions?
  2. Z it bad for kitties?

    Hey ya'll! I just wanted to ask a quick garlic really bad for kitties? I just saw a kitty natural food site and they sold garlic suppliment. Zazusdad read somewhere on these threads that garlic was bad...but when we went to search...just to be sure...I couldn't find a thread...
  3. Z

    Help, please...Have you heard of Bi-Odor Internal Waste & Urine Deodorizer?

    Hello all! I just wanted to know what you guys thought of Bi-Odor Internal Waste & Urine Deodorizer! Our kitties just recently went to the vet and Mojo was given a dewormer. Other than that...the doc says they are in perfect health! They just happen to have the stinkiest kitty poop known to man...
  4. Z

    Rawhide Chews?? I am confused! I think I will try and look for those frozen chewy things that Renny mentioned! I will update ya'll when I try it out!
  5. Z

    Hi! Were new to the board:)

    Welcome to TCS!! You will find all kinds of kitty knowledge here...everyone is so ready and willing to help! I bet with three kitties that you will have a lot to contribute, also! Let us know if you all need anything & I hope you and the kitty buddies are great! ~Zazusmom & Mojo, too!
  6. Z

    Rawhide Chews??

    Are the teethers you all are talking about in the dog section & happen to be good for kitties, too? I have never seen them...please enlighten me! ~ZAZUSMOM & Mojo, too!
  7. Z

    Healthy Christmas Tree decorations for kitties...

    That is what I thought also...that is one of the last things I would want to do! I love the wooden ornament idea! Thanks for all your info...please keep it coming! ~Zazusmom, and Mojo, too!
  8. Z

    Healthy Christmas Tree decorations for kitties...

    Hello all! I was just curious what would be a healthy idea for decorations for a tree...and is a live tree okay for kitties? I am a little frightened to think about getting a Christmas tree this year, since both Zazu and Mojo are still kittens...I dread thinking about what I would come home...
  9. Z

    Rawhide Chews??

    I am very interested in this answer myself! Zazu is a HUGE chewer...and not to mention an ear sucker! We don't mind the ear sucking...but the chewing is killing us! We were sitting on the couch last night...watching tv...and zazu was next to us chewing on his favorite kooshy pillow....the next...
  10. Z

    Can I dye my cat with Kool Aid???? Need answers fast!!

    Hello! I have been a hairstylist for 13 years...and my experiences with wild teens that wanted to color their hair, but their moms wouldn't let them...have turned into more of a nightmare than just normal hair dye. BUT...I am NOT saying to dye your kitty with regular hair dye, either...
  11. Z

    collar/rabies tag questions

    We have the tag on the kitties...they also have the break-away tags. They have gotten hung up on things before...but the collars undo themselves immediately. My kitties are indoor kitties...but I am always paranoid that they will accidently get out...we live in an apartment & sometimes...
  12. Z

    looking for a cat condo with three places for kitys to nest

    Hello! We just purchased our kitty condo on ebay for about $110 with shipping about 3 months ago...ours is 72'' high and has more than enough room for 3 kitties! They absolutely LOVE it! Make sure when you purchase from ebay...that you check the shipping charge. They absolutely love the...
  13. Z

    Kitty A Go-Go Mechanical Litter Box...has anyone tried this?

    I was looking at the Target site and saw this awesome litter box. Right now we have the OMEGA PAW ROLL AWAY - SELF CLEANING litter box but the kitties have out grown of this one, we were contemplating the x-large version of this one, but we saw the Kitty A Go-Go Mechanical Litter Box, which I...
  14. Z

    Who is SICK? Bring the Vibes!!!!

    I am sending all my healthy happy vibes to all of you! Get well soon! ~Zazusmom & Mojo, too!
  15. Z

    Need help Worms!!!!! Vent!!!

    Thanks so much for your info guys! We just got home from the vet...and thankfully Mojo was able to get the shot and Zazu is free and far as we know, anyhow! Thanks for all of your input...we felt very prepared when we went into the vet's today! Hope all is well & we will talk with...