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  3. Y

    Kitten Poops Unconsciously After Sleeping

    Our 4-month-old kitten (who's been with us for just over a month now) sometimes lets out a small bit of poop (dry) after a nap. This has happened about 4 times now. She doesn't seem to realize that she is 'pooping' when this happens. Other than that, she uses the litter box, eats well etc. Why...
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    Deworming Pills

    Hello, Just wondering which deworming pill brands you guys use (or would recommend). Also, wondering if we'll have to bin deworming pills which expired in July 2009 (!) or if we can still use them (dried stuff after all). Thanks
  5. Y

    Kitten with Slightly Crusty Eyes

    I noticed that she still has it but I guess it's normal (we don't know because our current cat is jet black)
  6. Y

    Kitten with Slightly Crusty Eyes

    Hello! Thank you for your reply. I was abroad for a while so sorry that I'm replying so late. The crusts were in the corner and it was dark. As far as I remember, I didn't see it on her brothers and sister so I wasn't sure if it was something or not. To update: I picked her up today and she...
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    Kitten with Slightly Crusty Eyes

    Hello, I visited a cattery with British Shorthair kittens a few weeks ago and the kitten reserved for me (the only female) had slightly crusty eyes. The breeder said she asked the vet and he said that the kitten is not ill. The breeder told me it's something to do with the formation or...
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    Can anyone tell what colours the babies will be?

    I am not a breeder- just someone who has a cat. i have no plans to be a breeder. my cat is just a normal, pariah cat She's black, breed unknown (we got her from someone who breeds cats for a living) but very affectionate and sweet. When she was giving birth, she wanted us to be there and we had...
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    Can anyone tell what colours the babies will be?

    I know of one cat shelter (a cat boat actually!) in Amsterdam but I don't think there's a big problem with stray cats here . I've never ever seen one, at least! In fact, I think the cat boat has quite a long waiting list. Having kittens is a lot of work and expensive but we charged (from her...
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    Can anyone tell what colours the babies will be?

    We breed them only if we already have owners (good ones, i may add) lined up. we don't leave them in boxes and she will get spayed after this litter.
  11. Y

    Can anyone tell what colours the babies will be?

    Haven't had cats before this and I'm really curious about what her babies will be like. I had dwarf hamsters and you could sort of tell what colour the babies will be ..for example, normal + argente = 75% normal, 25% argente. Since Argente is recessive, mating it with another Argente would...
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    Cat puking

    Our cat (1.5 years old) has been puking more often lately. I'm not sure if this is normal because I know of a cat who puked once a day and was normal (she's always been like that) and another which never puked. Ours started puking about 1-2 times a week since 1-2 months ago. We also noticed...
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    Cat stop having milk?

    I'm not sure if she's actually stop producing milk but the kittens are meowing all the time even when she's there so I'm wondering if they're hungry? The kittens are 2.5 weeks old now. This morning, the mum was acting really strange and there was obviously something wrong with her head (weird...
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    Male Kitten with older male cat

    A famil;y would like to adopt one of our male kittens . They have an older neutered male. Would there be problems? I've heard that tom cats are territorial so they will accept females but not males. any advice please?
  15. Y

    Male kitten with older male cat

    A lady(and her husband) would like to adopt one of my kittens (male because our litter consists of 3 males and 1 female) . They already have a 5 year old male cat (neutered). Is this OK? Or will male cats only accept females? (the cats are my boyfriend's and I'm asking him on behalf. I've ever...