Recent Content by yourlovingcat

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  3. Y

    We went for our first walk together!

    It looks like you have thought about your training program and are implementing it carefully. Just make sure you are consistent and soon you will be enjoying your walks without any problems. Keep up the good work.
  4. Y

    We got some serious snow - and I found a cat!

    Ok, with all that snow, you are going to have to increase the scale of your sculpting, maybe something about six feet long, maybe four feet high...heheh
  5. Y

    NyghtShade is such a good sport!

    the second row of pictures with the orange costume makes me think of a matchmaker from "Fiddler on the Roof"!
  6. Y

    Star Sapphire, reprise

    Attachment 14246 Ok... Sorry about the first time I tried this. However, here is a pic of Sapphire, one of the few I have. As you can see... she does not like having her picture taken!
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    Showing off a Star Sapphire

    Sorry, I think I know what I did wrong... let me try to start this again thread again and see if I can't get the pic added right this time....
  8. Y

    Vote for December 2010

    It was hard to choose between five and six... although I did finally cast my vote. Very nice selection of photos!
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    Showing off a Star Sapphire

    Here is a picture of Sapphire. As you can see, she doesn't appreciate being photographed!
  10. Y

    cats tail

    As far as the cat breed with a kink, that is usually associated with the Siamese cat, although it is a trait that they try to breed out. If your DSH has any Siamese, that might lead to a kinked tail.
  11. Y

    Who Has the Most Cats

    I only have two myself... Diamond and Sapphire. They are Chinchilla colored Persians... very sweet
  12. Y

    sandpaper facial! Ouchy!

    Sapphire loves to lick my hand and arm anytime I pet her. She licks more than a lot of dogs I know! But she has never licked my face. Maybe she doesn't like the beard!
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    Headbutts and nosetaps, a sure sign of affection from a cat! Congratulations on having such a good relationship.
  14. Y

    My kitten has diarrhea and...

    Where is the litter box compared to the bedroom? Is there a spot in your bedroom where you could put a small litter box just at night for your kitten? Then you could move it during the day so that the kitten doesn't get too used to it being there, and move it further away from the bed over time.
  15. Y

    Could I bum some vibes for the Beau

    Here are some vibes for both of you. I hope things get better soon.