Recent Content by yinyangkitti

  1. yinyangkitti

    My senior cat has constant diarrhea... what should I do?

    I'm not sure which tests they did. They took a fecal and urine sample and a blood sample. They said they tested for all parasites they were able to (not sure which those include tho) But both vets said the results were negative.
  2. yinyangkitti

    My senior cat has constant diarrhea... what should I do?

    Our oldest cat is 13. We've had her since she was about 7wks. For the past year her health (physical and mental) has been fluctuating a lot. I don't know if it is just due to old age or if there is another reason that we've missed. More recently her digestive health has gotten really bad. She is...
  3. yinyangkitti

    Why are all of our cats afraid of my husband?

    We now have 3 cats - one we've had 13 years, one for 6 years, and one a little over 1 yr. We did have 9 but 6 (mama and 5 kittens) were recently adopted. All of the cats have been acting fearsome towards my husband. They are fine when he is not home but they all duck and hide when he is around...