Recent Content by yasmine

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  3. Y

    I'm so anxious!

    Yea i always make my auctions end on Monday because people do the most searching on the weekends.
  4. Y

    Coffee Maker recommendations?

    It says Gevalia on the front of it. I havent seen Melitta on it. Its stainless and black..which goes with my kitchen so thats why i ordered it. Once i got the coffee and coffee maker, i cancelled my subscription.
  5. Y

    Coffee Maker recommendations?

    I have a Gevalia coffee pot. I've had it for 3 years and love it
  6. Y

    Question of the Day - October 22nd

    We watched: The reaping and 1408 (both scary)-- both were pretty good.
  7. Y

    race for the Cure

    How many people will be walking/running the race for the cure to support breast cancer? My mother had breast cancer so will be walking next weekend.
  8. Y

    Question of the Day - October 17th

    About 2 wks ago-- i love mountain bike riding
  9. Y

    Where Did You Get Your Cat/s?

    I got yasmine from a friend that had kitten and i got molly from the shelter
  10. Y

    Question of the Day- October 12th

    I mix them up. I really love kitty cat socks and fuzzy socks..
  11. Y

    How did you meet your S.O.?

    When my fiance died, i met one of his friends that i didnt know about. He was so sensitive and had a very kind soul. I willnever forget the first time i saw him. I walked into the church and saw this guy leaned over just pouring out tears. I immediatly walked over and consoled him and thats when...
  12. Y

    GAME: This-or-That?!!!

    Cinnamon White wine or red wine
  13. Y

    Under Eye Dark Circles?

    Slice one small piece off of a potato, and cut the slice in half. Put each slice under your eyes and leave them under your eyes for 20 minutes.
  14. Y

    Favourite Word

    "i'm home" They both run to the food bowl
  15. Y

    What is on your desk?

    GOSH too too much stuff to list. Looks like a tornado came through and then decided to come back and messed it up even more!