Recent Content by willowwynde

  1. willowwynde

    Help Soothing Cat

    Oh believe you me, pushylady, I’ve been looking for a new vet since Saturday, and think I might have found just the one.  Word of mouth through several of the dog breeders and animal lovers in the area have been exceedingly positive.  I guess we’ll give them a try and hope for the best. I plan...
  2. willowwynde

    Help Soothing Cat

    Good morning, misterwhiskers.  I hope you and your cat are doing better today! Thanks for inquiring about Soy.  She’s feeling much better today after a good night of sleep.  I just gave her the first dose of pain medication for the day through a syringe, and didn’t quite administer it all.  I...
  3. willowwynde

    Help Soothing Cat

    I ended up taking Soy to the Vet E.R. and now have a handle on the situation.  We were sent home with an antibiotic and pain medication.  Soy is now resting comfortably for the first time in days.  My only regret is not taking her sooner, especially considering the cost was cheaper than our...
  4. willowwynde

    Help Soothing Cat

    Hi Everyone, I’m new here and could really use some guidance or advice regarding my 12-year-old baby girl, Soy.  She saved me 9 years ago when I met her at a shelter, and I really do believe she hung the moon.  (Side-note:  she’s a ‘fluffy’ 17 lbs.) What I originally thought to be a fecal issue...