Recent Content by willows momma

  1. W

    Anal Gland Rupture

    Yes, adipose tissue is the medical term for fatty tissue. The vet said it would take about 2 weeks because her infection was severe. It has healed a lot since it started. It went from an anal gland infection to completely clearing up on one side but abscessing on the other. She has been to the...
  2. W

    Toxic or Not

    No problem
  3. W

    Toxic or Not

    Gerber daisies are nontoxic for cats so if they decide to take a taste there isn't a risk for anything. If you've never had plants/flowers around your. Cat before just keep on eye on him or her that they don't try to knock the vase over. My cat will usually try to eat leaves off plants or...
  4. W

    Anal Gland Rupture

    My cat is on day 18 of her road to recovery which started with an infected anal gland which after 6 days of antibiotics turned into an abscess which burst :( she's doing better however there there is this large thick piece of something creamy coloured in her abscess that starts to come out when...
  5. W

    Bathing a cat

    Thank you Anne. I will ask the vet about that product. We got a waterless shampoo that I've been using elsewhere on her fur followed by daily brushing and washing her cone, face and most of her body with a damp towel. She's healing slowly and finally pooping regular poops. She won't drink...
  6. W

    How often do you clean the litter scoop?

    We don't clean the scoop unless it has poop on it. Every so often we get a new scoop though. The litter box is cleaned daily and sometimes twice and then dumped biweekly and washed out.
  7. W

    Injured Cat

    I understand the stress of taking your kitty to the vet. It's never a fun trip for anyone feline or human alike. We have taken our kitty to the vet 5 times in 9 days due to an anal abscess that started out as an infected gland that ruptured :( it went from bad to worse quickly even after doing...
  8. W

    Bathing a cat

    Water + kitty = OMG (at least for most) My kitty is undergoing treatment for an abscessed anal gland and due to this she is having troubles using her litter box and is peeing on herself. I think due to the pain of her abscess. She is wearing An e collar but has discovered she can run her wound...
  9. W

    Urine Smell

    I'd take your kitty to the vet. Especially if his drinking and eating haven't changed. The urine shouldn't be so strong smelling all of a sudden. I know it doesn't smell like roses but it's still worth a call.
  10. W

    Anal Gland Rupture

    PS- she has lost almost 1 lb in 9 days
  11. W

    Anal Gland Rupture

    My cat of almost 6 years, (she's 7 in sept 2014) has always been in good health. She was taken in yearly to the vet for her vaccines and was always a happy girl. She is an indoor only kitty. Not around other cats or animals. She is fed wet food in the morning and then has dry food to munch on...