Recent Content by Whiskers11

  1. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    Oh she was over weight but no longer is.
  2. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    She uses the litter box to urinate and open her bowels, but some days she doesn’t to use it at all. She just goes outside, it depends on the weather! She did have some faecal incontinence for a few days after the op but nothing after that! She has wet food, hypoallergenic grain free, she can’t...
  3. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    Yes it was the original cause and for years I took her to have them expressed as diet didn’t help, but she stated experiencing recurrent infections and the anal glands were removed in March, but she continues to rub her bottom!
  4. Whiskers11

    Loss of Appetite

    Hi Dboots, I’ve just been reading about you’re little fella ! So glad to hear that he has picked up and improving!!! Hope he continues that way!
  5. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    OH and she’s short haired!
  6. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    Hi, no she doesn’t always clean her bottom properly, I often do it once she has finished! She doesn’t always use the litter tray though , so I don’t always know she has been! But she will still drag her bottom when she has a clean bottom! She is meticulous about burying her faeces!
  7. Whiskers11

    Bum dragging

    Hi everyone, Just wondering if any one has any experience with cats dragging their bottoms! My cat has done it for 5 years. Due to anal glands becoming full, she needed to visit the vets regularly to have them expressed! This worked until the beginning of the year , they kept getting infected...