Recent Content by velvetraynet

  1. velvetraynet

    Cats wont drink from water bowl or fountain?

    Well, I can't imagine it's the color, since her preferred glass to drink out of is Clear glass cups with no color at all. Just transparent.
  2. velvetraynet

    Cats wont drink from water bowl or fountain?

    So, I have 2 cats, one I have had for 2 years, Iiah (Since her birth) and one I have had for half a year now, Joffrey (Shelter baby).  Iiah has an allergy to plastic, so All their food bowls are ceramic and she would not drink water from a bowl, so about a year ago I got her a water fountain...
  3. velvetraynet

    Cat allergic to Plastic. What to do for litter box?

    Yea, Stuff like that might work well.
  4. velvetraynet

    Cat allergic to Plastic. What to do for litter box?

    I found out that one of my cats is allergic to plastic. I have already switched her food bowls over to ceramic and metal, and am replacing her plastic fountain with a ceramic one, but I can't find and non plastic litter boxes. I don't want to get the disposable litter boxes cause I don't want to...
  5. velvetraynet

    Cat changed behavior after moving?

    Yea. She is very vocal. She also does this thing where she will stand outside her litter box and just scoop it out. We switched to corncob litter from clay during the move also, MAybe that's why? She still uses it though.
  6. velvetraynet

    Cat changed behavior after moving?

    My cat, Iiah is a common American short hair. When I try to clean she follows me around, meows and rubs on me so I will love on her (I am flattered but a bit flustered on what to do) Unless I am vacuuming. Then she runs and hides. I live in an apartment. I forgot to mention, when we moved I...
  7. velvetraynet

    Cat changed behavior after moving?

    I have a cat who is almost 2 years old. When I first got her, she was a baby and we had no other cats. When she was almost maybe 5 months me and my parents moved and had 2 other cats and she was reclusive, tried to run outside all the time, even when fixed. She was very unsociable and such and...