Recent Content by Twily

  1. T

    Thoughts On Nulo Brand Food?

    I just realized i feed Morty a decent amount of fish. Theres the wet Nulo and i feed her bonito flakes and salmon bites as treats since she really liked those. Dang. Thanks again. All things to reflect on!
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    Thoughts On Nulo Brand Food?

    Thanks for all the info Ardina! What is the issue with seafood in the pates? Is it because of possible mercury build up? Allergen issues? I suppose even by human grade standards fish tends to be sketchier than other meats...
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    Thoughts On Nulo Brand Food?

    Hi all, after lurking through the forums for a bit i dont think ive seen much of any talk of Nulo, anyone have thoughts/experiences/info? I feed my nearly 1 year old kitty a mix of wet and dry. Dry Blue wilderness gets left out in puzzle feeders, and Morty is real good about managing her own...
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    Does Your Cat Get Mad Or Offended When You Use Your Hand Rectangle (phone)?

    My cat doesn't mind. If anything she'll come by and "claim" my phone quickly by rubbing herself on it for a few seconds, then hang out or go on her merry way.