Recent Content by turkishvanmama

  1. turkishvanmama

    FIP took my baby and I am devastated

    Thank you everyone for your kind words, every post brought a smile to my face and really touched my heart. Every single person who has posted has really helped me heal internally, and I wanted you all to know just how important and deeply your words have impacted me. Sometimes in my lows, I...
  2. turkishvanmama

    Losing kitty to FIP

    Having my kitten spayed trigger a rapid onset of her FIP. However, do know that not getting her shots or spay or what not would not have kept her from enduring the same fate. A cat that presents with FIP has already carried the corona virus inside them most likely since they were a wee kitten...
  3. turkishvanmama

    Losing kitty to FIP

    I hope that everything works out with you and your little kitty. I lost my 7 month kitten to dry FIP which progressed into wet FIP, we let her go in June and it was one of the hardest things I have dealt with. It was so sudden and she was so loving so I feel for your pain greatly. We also tried...
  4. Siamese kitten Juno- bathroom songs

    Siamese kitten Juno- bathroom songs

  5. turkishvanmama

    Siamese kitten Juno- bathroom songs

    I recently added 2 new fur babies to the family, 2 siamese kittens. They just turned 4 months last week. I absoloutely love them! They are littermates, the girl is named Luna and the boy Juno. First off Juno is HUGE compared to Luna! I questioned whether they were from the same litter, at 3...
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  9. turkishvanmama

    FIP took my baby and I am devastated

    Thank you so much for the support everyone. Its been a sad week even sadder when I realized my other cat Cola has been looking for Baba everyday. Today she walked up to Baba's old bed and sat in front of it and wailed out the saddest cries I've ever heard from her. She is rarely a talkative cat...
  10. turkishvanmama

    FIP took my baby and I am devastated

    Thank you for your kind words. Your kindness really does help heal my heart. Those I know personally are either not a cat person or don't see pets as true family. My kitten was a family member to me, not just a pet. So it's hard to grieve when those around me cannot understand or relate to the...
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  12. FIP took my baby and I am devastated

    FIP took my baby and I am devastated

  13. turkishvanmama

    FIP took my baby and I am devastated

    My little Baba was fine a month ago. She was a little skinny but that is all. I noticed she was tired and had a fever so to the vet she went. They thought she had pyometra and after an emergency spay they found she had FIP. I didn't want to believe it. She got worse and then better. Then within...
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  15. turkishvanmama

    1 year old cat average weight?

    Can a young cat have hyperthyroidism?