Recent Content by tuna

  1. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    yosemite - i don't believe anyone is losing their temper. we are having an adult discussion...but i shall bow out now because i didn't realize that this forum edits posts. i care very much about what i say, i don't want any of it misconstrued so i'll say no of luck to you...
  2. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    i think you just answered your own question here. you are injecting a live virus. cause and effect. it is well documented that in a lot of cases aggression appears after the rabies vaccine...why not the others then? not only is it possible but likely. again, common sense. cytokines and...
  3. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    i no longer judge myself or my knowledge in accordance with 'mainstream education' as it is not so much a body of knowledge from which to draw as it is an indoctrination into the way others think. i compound my knowledge through various sources around me and come to my own conclusions in my own...
  4. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    please mermaid, the onus is on you to prove me wrong...go ahead... how about starting with ...what are immune systems for?
  5. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    and if after you do everything everybody says to do and you still have skin issues with your little one will you then think about vaccines as a possible cause? question: if you think animals need vaccinations and yearly at that...what is the immune system for? do you think...
  6. T

    How long should i wait?

    i've been spelling it like that for a while...thanks for pointing it out
  7. T

    missing hair - allergy to vaccination shot?

    vaccines are bad and do not do what they are purported to do. there are many adverse reactions. the breakdown of the skin is often the first sign. the worst thing you can do is give a combo vaccine as it taxes the immune system doubly or triply or however many they put in there now. just do...
  8. T

    How long should i wait?

    the syringe does not have to be stressful if you treat it as a treat and you don't act guilty or stressed yourself which they pick up on. that's how i give homeopathic remedies and when they realize it tastes good they start to lick it off the tip of the syringe themselves. but putting it in a...
  9. T

    Need comforting words about CRF (and a little help)

    yosemite...and no one can stop you. when i get the time i will start a thread about vaccines if there hasn't been one already...i only brought it up here because i understand there was a compromised pet being vaccinated...even some mainstream vets are against that...thankfully.
  10. T

    Need comforting words about CRF (and a little help)

    no, vaccinating an immunocompromised pet is not only irresponsible and bad science but a crime. actually, vaccinating at all is irresponsible but that's a whole other thread... and vaccinations have nothing to do with diagnoses...they are supposed to be...supposed to be preventative... but...
  11. T

    How long should i wait?

    put the most life-threatening needs first. rajah needs to eat. virah can live with extra weight for the time being... i read your first post and it's strange that the vet didn't give a reason for the weight loss. i'd guess that it was all the trauma of surgery, a/b's and meds. what an ordeal...
  12. T

    Need comforting words about CRF (and a little help)

    what food is he eating? if you want to save him try homeopathy. homeopathy cures, allopathy palliates. don't vaccinate for any reason, it weakens the immune system and when given to a compromised pet as yours is it equals disaster...always trust your common sense. feed high quality protein in...
  13. T

    Help desperatly needed!!!

    here is an intesting fact: a healthy animal with no stress, good food and lots of love will do better when faced with fleas. they tend to clean themselves more when they are healthy. strengthen the overall health of the animal. (giving them pills and spraying chemicals weakens their health)...
  14. T

    Help desperatly needed!!!

    i'd also use extreme caution and common sense when using chemicals on, in or near your pet. if you can go natural exhaust that avenue first. i've heard that brewer's yeast lightly sprinkled on your pet (maybe your carpets too but i'm not sure about that) will help. fleas don't like brewers...
  15. T

    The Right Balance of Dry and Wet Food?

    i think what you need more than the advice of a vet or a manufacturer is common sense... the difference between feeding dry and wet is living a longer healthier life. your cat may be just doing fine on dry but do you really know what's going on inside the tissue cells? when they're 8 years old...