Recent Content by ttapestry1

  1. ttapestry1

    Ringworm Vaccine

    We have used Fulvicin in the past (oral)which causes diarrhea and when the anitfungals are used, they lick some of it off. We have found that Program has worked well for us. You can use it as preventative but we use it after it is spotted. In two weeks, you see new hair growth. It just seems...
  2. ttapestry1

    She's here! (Pics)

    What a cutie!!!! Girl or Boy? Have you ever looked through the book "Don't call me Rover?" It has some awesome cat/dog names in it!!!!
  3. ttapestry1

    Thinks I'm playing!

    Have you tried saying a very stern "NO" and then getting up and walking off from him? Cats hate worse than anything to be ignored and this works with many cats I have rescued as I want them to be okay before I adopt them into new homes. When he begins this behavior next time, say NO and then...
  4. ttapestry1

    sick kitty

    My fingers are crossed too. Please keep us updated!
  5. ttapestry1

    Ringworm Vaccine

    Yeah, I remember it being a pretty big pill. You'll have to call a vet to see what the proper dosage is. The only reason I know about it is when I volunteered at a shelter we used it frequently. They can tell you how to use it. I don't have the info at home with me to give it to you although...
  6. ttapestry1

    Ringworm Vaccine

    It is a pretty large brown pill and is in a white package with orange and blue writing. No, problem. Let me know if this helps!
  7. ttapestry1

    Ringworm Vaccine

    I don't know about the dosage, you will have to call a vet and no, you don't sound confrontational at all. I HATE RINGWORM!!!!!!!!! Several vets recommended it to us for the treatment of ringworm. We have over 150 cats in a 2400 square foot building and an outbreak would be horrindous. It...
  8. ttapestry1

    Starting a boarding Cattery

    I don't know of any sites that can help but I would advise visiting several vets or other catterys to see how they do it. We do some boarding at our rescue facility. The key is definitely isolation. I don't know if there are any legal requirements such as providing documentaion where you...
  9. ttapestry1

    Everyone, please read this story!

    Jewelcat- Has there been any progress on that situation of the cats missing? I have been thinking about it a lot. Also, I went to the website you had above and it didn't even show up in my last 10 places visited. That is soooooooo weird!
  10. ttapestry1

    Moving Day Approaching

    I would definitely tag them just in case they do get out. Also, when they come near the door, I yell NO in a very stern loud voice. They know it and run in the other direction!!!!
  11. ttapestry1

    Cat biting and clawing hands.

    Great ideas!!! I have one that gets really excited while being petted and holds on when you try to stop. The way I broke him is by completely stopping the petting but leaving my hand where it was (so as to not get scratched anymore) and saying a very stern loud NO! After a couple of times, he...
  12. ttapestry1

    sick kitty

    I have a kitty that is in liver failure and hers is irreversible. All I can do is try to slow it down. Actually we rescued two from a mentally retarded lady who forgot to feed them most of the time so they were very malnourished. Sometimes liver disease is caused by malnurtition. When cats...
  13. ttapestry1

    Spayed femal on heat? Help!

    I would definitely visit a vet and make sure there isn't anything physical going on. Cats are very sensitive to changes in their environment so she may just be freaking out a little bit since you have a new place. You can get herbal rememdies to put in her food or even kitty downers for her to...
  14. ttapestry1

    Ringworm Vaccine

    We have not had success with the Ringworm vaccine but did have great success with Program. It is oral and you will notice hair regrowth within a week or so and it takes around a month for it to go away. We only use it rather than any vaccine. Good luck!!!
  15. ttapestry1

    Your Names

    Ttapestry1= Stephanie Glad to meet everyone by their real names although I probably can't remember them all!!!!!! Michelle- You become an "adult cat" after 100 posts. Hurray for you!!!!!!