Recent Content by trish81

  1. trish81

    Apple Cider Vinager?

    I've been wondering about this ACV for my kitty. I've never used it and always gone for the brand names in fleaing my animals. How much do I put in his bath? (my cat actually LIKES a bath. Weirdo he is) And how much do I put in his drinking water?
  2. trish81

    101 Things That Can Harm Your Cat

    Too true. I thought it was a bit harsh but to purposely give these harmful products to animals? Not so. Starting to think (right now) my daughter doesn't deserve her cat. Being mean to him beside me. LOL. I swear they are just like children. The cat (Holden) acts EXACTLY like my 3 year old...
  3. trish81

    101 Things That Can Harm Your Cat

    Most of these are just common sense for cat owners. If you don't know these than you shouldn't be owning a cat in the first place, or anything for that matter. This Christmas we would lock our catout of the loungeroom when we were out/in bed. He gets locked out of the loungeroom anyway when we...