Recent Content by tjarvis3

  1. tjarvis3

    Gone to soon. Harley and Davidson.

    Thank you for such kind words. I do miss them, so very much. You all have been so wonderful and supportive. I'm so glad I found your site.
  2. tjarvis3

    Gone to soon. Harley and Davidson.

    Yesterday I had to put these precious little ones to sleep. I agonized over this, but I know it was for the best. They were suffering so much and it was terrible to watch. I was so truly hoping that I could save them. I felt like I had let them down. They trusted me when their real mama...
  3. tjarvis3


    My sister took them to the vet for me today. The had feline leukemia. A hard decision to make. But not when I thought about how they struggled to breathe. They are now sleeping. I'd like to think that they are running through a meadow in kitty Heaven, chasing butterflies. I will miss them so...
  4. tjarvis3


    I have to work tomorrow so I'm going to get my sister to take them. When I took them on Friday, she told me since the other litter mates had died, that there was a chance that their mom may have feline leukemia and that they could have gotten that from her. She asked if t wanted them tested and...
  5. tjarvis3


    They are both sneezing now. I'm losing them both, I'm afraid. They are eating, but not as much at a time.
  6. tjarvis3


    My husband is bringing me a scale from work today. We just got back from our first vet visit. I was worried because Harley had started sneezing some. And since we weren't sure of any history on mom, well I wanted her to be seen. I told my vet everything I was doing and she said that I was...
  7. tjarvis3


    Ok. I'm worried. I've been sleeping on the couch right beside their basket so I can hear them when they wake. They didn't wake from midnight until 630. Is something wrong, do you think? They only ate 3cc. They did per per when stimulated, but no poo.
  8. tjarvis3


    This is Davidson on the left and Harley on the right. This was taken yesterday.
  9. new!!!!


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  11. tjarvis3


    Me to.:rbheart:
  12. tjarvis3


    Yes, yes, yes!!!!!! There was poo in their bed this morning!!! I am a proud mama!! Now they have been fed, stimulated and bed changed. We are now officially ready for the day!
  13. tjarvis3


    How much do I give them at a time? I'm using a 1 cc syringe and they are taking anywhere from 2 to 2 1/2 cc at a time.
  14. tjarvis3


    Thank you for your response. I'm truly terrified that I'm going to do something wrong. They are so tiny and helpless. Their umbilical cords are still on. Do I have to do anything with that? I would like to say that one pooped on his own just a few minutes ago!! I take that as a small...
  15. tjarvis3


    I have had 2 newborn kittens maybe 6 days old. Mama kitty is not in the picture. The litter had 5, but 3 were already dead when my husband found them. I've been feeding them with a syringe using kitten formula. I have stimulated them to go to the bathroom. Today there was poo for the first...