Recent Content by tinsel

  1. T

    Please help with newly diagnosed CKD cat!

    Thank you guys for your advice and checking up on my kitty. The vet answered all of my questions (and I had a lot).  The vet said that it is normal for CKD cats to have good days and bad days, and not to worry too much about one bad day.  He said that if he has two or three bad days of no...
  2. T

    Please help with newly diagnosed CKD cat!

    Thank you for your kind words. I guess I am more worried that the day of the vet visit and the day after he ate pretty good, and now he is not.  It could be the vet visit, but I'm worried that it isn't. I will try your suggestion of pouring a lot of water on soft food. My cat is drinking and...
  3. T

    Please help with newly diagnosed CKD cat!

    Thank you so much for the reply! And for making it through the wall of text! My cat has been drinking a lot lately. I will ask about the Sub-Q fluids, though a nurse mentioned to me on the way out that it might be something we have to do "in the future". When you say add water to the wet, did...
  4. T

    Please help with newly diagnosed CKD cat!

    This is my first post on this forum. I have seen a lot of good advice here and I am hoping someone here can answer my questions. The backstory: I have a 15 year old ragdoll (male, neutered).  For some history: he has always, since birth, been a scrawny little thing.  He averaged about 10 lbs...