Recent Content by tigerlilly64

  1. T

    Sick cat baffling the vet

    It sounds like you really care about Callie, and have been doing all you can to help her. Cats tell us what's going on with them through behavioral changes, and every fiber of my being is screaming that Callie is saying that there's a problem with her mouth, hence the suddenly messy eating...
  2. T

    Scary find about human-grade lysine - comments?

    What concentration would you put in their water, ann2tie713? I don't know how much water an average cat drinks in a day, even, though you'd think I might since I have so many. I figure that all of mine have herpes, though very few show symptoms.
  3. T

    Meet my bad boys: Schrödinger & Shunso

    Stunningly gorgeous kitties! I love the word "rescutes" - such a perfect description for so many of my furkids, too! I've heard of SO many FeLV positive kitties who have never shown any symptoms, and have lived very long, healthy lives that I think you have a good chance of just that. You're...