Recent Content by thf

  1. T

    Aquariums and fish, anyone?

    Right now I am content with my 25 gallon. I am still new to fish keeping but I absolutely love it. My kitties enjoy the fish tank just as much.They will sit & stare and paw at it. I have a paradise fish, a flame gourami, a pleco and 3 glowfish. They all really live peacefully together. They are...
  2. T

    Does this sound really dumb to you?

    I dont think anyone should be judged or told they are wrong for questioning the issue and sharing their personal opinion. I dont believe in pets being kept outdoors, but unfortunately people are just lazy when it comes to raising dogs. Unfortunately, cats go through it as well when they end up...
  3. T

    I can't even believe this...

    Wow!!! That is awesome! Never in a million years would I have such luck, but hey....what goes around comes around. I am all for using re-usable bags and saving some plastic. Congratulations!!!! I know your pets are soo happy
  4. T

    My dog hates cats!

    Thanks!! LOL......I love the pictures of cats and dogs sleeping together.....too cute!! Inuki (the dog in the photo).....bless his heart he's such a pushover with the kitties. I have to watch that my cat doesnt go right up and steal the dogs food while he is eating. Inuki will just let him...
  5. T

    Jake came with me on a car ride

    Hahhaa....thats great! Yoshimi is the queen of mean but for some reason unbeknownst to me she loves the car! She will ride on my lap the entire trip and peek out when we are at a stop. Shes sort of I think she feels safe so long as she is on my lap. She hates the carrier so the...
  6. T

    This has to be the strangest cat "toy" ever!!!

    Hahahahaahaha.....good question.
  7. T

    This has to be the strangest cat "toy" ever!!!

    Awww! Zero is in love with rubber snakes that come in those party packs....the little ones.....Oh, AND the paper towel roll.....anything crinkly....pens, paper (or anything he can knock off the desk) Zero when he's got the 'Crazies'
  8. T

    The "Crab Walk"

    Hahaha.....I find it really amusing. I guess it doesnt take much in my case but i love it. Cats are so adorable.
  9. T

    The "Crab Walk"

    Ahahahhaa I love how cats play. Holland sounds adorable! It really is so cute! Its funny when they dash up on you like "surprise!" (even though you always see it coming. Yoshimi is cute because she likes to toss her toys up in the air repeatedly and bat at them.
  10. T

    The "Crab Walk"

    Thanks! He is really a trip. He's very much an extrovert....loves other cats & has a "Lets be friends so I can have some of your food" attitude. He is really about the goofiest cat I have ever had. He has some crazy rituals, but I love watching him go into his wild kitty spaz out moments. Those...
  11. T

    The "Crab Walk"

    Lately with our 2 new foster kitties.....Zero is trying anything and everything to get one of them to play with him.....I have been ROFL at him just about because he is scrambling like crazy across the hardwood floor...slipping and sliding and lowering his head....doing the "crab walk" and then...
  12. T

    They are NOT little dogs!

    That's what really upsets me is when people say stuff like that! I know exactly what you mean! I have lots of dog loving friends who really think cats are not as much a family pet as a dog. They do not understand my cats and my dog are my best friends. When people say that stuff its really...
  13. T

    Squirrel watching.....

    Hehehehe....Thanks!! I couldnt pass up the moment!!
  14. T

    Squirrel watching.....

    Its a team effort!
  15. T

    My dog hates cats!

    That is sooo cute!! dog will attest to that!!