Recent Content by tessag

  1. T

    How to feed 2 cats with VERY different eating habits

    Niko is definitely bigger around than Lola.  That's an idea...  But a typical baby gate (the kind that's only a few feet high) certainly won't keep NIko out of a room; he may be big but he can still jump!  =) I will certainly look into feeding wet food.  If Lola is willing/able to eat it...
  2. T

    How to feed 2 cats with VERY different eating habits

    I've got two cats who I love dearly. Niko is a 2yo tabby who currently weighs about 12 or 13 lbs (overweight for his size).  I've been able to get his weight down to about 10 or 11 lbs which is much healthier for him, but it's a struggle to keep him at that weight.  Lola is a 1yo tuxedo who...
  3. T

    Cat Noises

    Neither of my kitties is super vocal, but they both "talk" occasionally.   My kitten, Lola, meows mostly when she wants food or when we've picked her up and she wants to be put down.  She's 6mo old but she still has the highest pitched little kitten meow ever.  It's SO cute and makes me giggle...
  4. T

    Do your cats wear collars?

    Both my kitties wear collars with their name and my phone number on it.  Both cats are also microchipped, but I think collars are important if they every got away - they let people know that the kitty is cared for and has a home and a mom looking for her.  Both my cats have a little jingle bell...
  5. T

    What "weird" things do your cats like?

    My cats are such characters, everyone who meets them can't get over how funny they are. One of my favorite personality traits of my cats is the strange/odd things that really make them go wild.  I'm not talking about catnip or feather toys or things like that, but stuff that I never would have...
  6. T

    Hello from me and the kitties!

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.  My name is Tessa and I am the proud mama to two wonderfully wacky cats.   My big boy, Niko, is an 18 month old brown tabby who thinks he is a bad boy.  His latest trick is jumping from the kitchen floor to the counter to the top of...