Recent Content by teddytimble

  1. T

    Please help me!!!!

    I rescued and fed three kittens sometime ago now.  I went to my vet and he gave me a powder form of a mothers milk substitute, I was told I had to feed kittens every two hours and how much to feed them.  I didn't have any of the problems you are describing so I am sorry I cannot be more...
  2. T

    Suddenly peeing all over and acting strangely aggressive?

    It is irresponsible not to neuter your cat, entire toms as they are known usually fight with other cats and can have the FIV virus which they then spread to other cats and this illness is deadly.  One of the reasons he is behaving the way he is is probably because he is not neutered.  One of my...
  3. T

    Indoor or outdoor?

    I think your situation is a good one for the cats, I just want them to get some fresh air and a cat enclosure gives you peace of mind, I think the way things are with more traffic, some rather unpleasant people out there that a large enclosure is ideal. Having said all the things I have said...
  4. T

    Indoor or outdoor?

  5. T

    Do neutered male cats spray?

    The short answer is yes, neutered male cats do sometimes spray.  One of my previous cats was neutered when he was about 8 months and I think he sometimes sprayed because he was a nervous little soul, so in his case I am sure it was a behaviour problem.  I noticed that when I lived in flats and...
  6. T

    Senile cat

    Hello Pepina I have had two very elderly cats in the past, the little female cat I had was 18 and according to my vet was going senile.  I did not have a problem with her pooping anywhere,  she did sometimes run around and pee behind things, but this was not her usual behaviour, she had always...
  7. T

    Indoor or outdoor?

    If dogs were roaming around in UK like they seem to be in other countries it simply would not be tolerated by the general public, most people here would phone the local authority and complain, the Dog Warden would, if he could find the dog take it to the local council kennels, dogs roaming are a...
  8. T

    Indoor or outdoor?

  9. T

    My cat won't come out of hiding!?

    I got a rescue cat, she is 7 years old and when she first came to my home she hid underneath a kitchen cupboard for nearly three days!  She would have kept going back there if I had not blocked it off, so then she hid behind my sofa.  It took some while for her to adjust to her new home, she is...
  10. T

    Indoor or outdoor?

    In UK our laws say that dogs should be kept on leads when in public places, the UK law also recognises that cats are "free roaming" animals and should be allowed to do just that.
  11. T

    high thyroid levels

    I had an elderly cat who had thyroid problems and was on 10mg Vidalta tabs one a day.  They did not seem to have any adverse effects on him.  He had to be take to vet every three months for check ups.
  12. T

    Aftermath of a stroke in a cat (advice needed for friend)

    I had a 19 year old cat who had health problems due mainly to age, thyroid problem and seizures, he had a massive stroke and could not stand up, I rushed him to the vet, she told me he was one very sick little cat, I would have done anything to get him better but she said even if she left him on...