Recent Content by teche05

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    Help! My orphans aren't going potty!

    The first week I bottle fed our newborn kitten, I would also use a dropper of grape flavored Pedialyte a couple times a day right before feeding. As for the Karo, I didn't put it in his bottle, but rather moistened my fingertip with it and placed it near his mouth so he would lick it off. I...
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    Here are some pictures of our peewee. Thank you everyone for your heartfelt words. You all are a great comfort.Attachment 13793 Attachment 13794 Attachment 13795
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    Thank you all so very much for the heartfelt words. I honestly didn't realize until someone posted that "he was loved for his short time here". "lil trooper" was indeed loved and nurtured. He was only 18 days old and within that short time he bacame a part of our family; even Gabriel (5yr...
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    Our little trooper fell out of his box early this morning. He woke me up crying, when I found him, I cuddled him and lay him back down. By 10:30am, my husband said that he wouldn't eat and was holding his head very odd. He gave the little guy chest cpr during the ride to the vet. Vet said...
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    Li'l Trooper's Eyes Opened!

    Yes, Mary. Pics will be coming as soon as I can get my 15 year old to assist me with downloading pictures from the camera. "He" sort of looks like an alien and "he's" so cute and demanding all at the same time. Thanks, teche05
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    Li'l Trooper's Eyes Opened!

    Yahoo! "Li'l trooper's" eyes opened completely today. "He" kinda looks like an alien, but so what. "His" eyes are open and clear.
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    Kitten Update

    Yes, our intention is to bring her to the vet for a complete visit and have her spayed. Sunday morning was so traumatic for the entire household, we never want to see that happen again.
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    Kitten Update

    "He's" a joy to care for, so the lack of sleep is nothing! Also, since it's summer break, my 15yr old daughter is doing daytime duty and she keeps the log updated. Thanks for the applause!
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    10 day old kitten

    Momofmany, Thanks for the advice. I'll most certainly discuss "his" eyes with the vet tomorrow. I'm also glad to know that "he's" not the only kittie half the size of "his" siblings. This isn't our first time at the "Kitten Dance", however it is our first time at the "Newborn Kitten Dance"...
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    Kitten Update

    Note to self: Newborn kittens are like newborn human babies. Their needs vary on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. We were concerned that he didn't eat so much today. For the past 10 days he's been nursing from a curved end dropper. Tonight? After he struggled with the first dropper fill...
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    10 day old kitten

    Thanks for the good wishes. That was our thoughts too, that he was the runt. But geez what a runt he is. His mamma's a good kitty. I think that for as young as she is (I'm guessing less than one year), she just had too many to handle. Do you have any advice regarding his weight and eyes...