Recent Content by tatsukitty

  1. T

    Slow kitties?

    My kittens are almost four weeks old. they have open ears and eyes and they're trying to get out of their box and are little meowing terrors, but they still haven't started to use the bathroom on their own. is it just me being paranoid, again, or should I talk to my vet? (which hopefully can be...
  2. T

    Mom cat sick?

    first, Rowen has a very foul smell for her eliminations, her mouth area smells as well, and she has diarrhea. I just noticed her mouth when I picked her up. I really can't afford the vet right now, cuz my mom lost her job on Friday. I don't know where else to turn...
  3. T

    Animal shelter job and kittens.

    oh thank you so much. I'm still going to disinfect like crazy, so I don't pass any other germs to them but a cold is easier to fix than FLV
  4. T

    Animal shelter job and kittens.

    I started doing some community service at the animal shelter in my county. Then after I finished cleaning out every kitten cage in there, the lady I work with told me they had some kittens with feline Leukemia. I have three week old baby kittens. Now, I took off all my clothes as soon I got in...
  5. T

    I have kitties!

    everything's doing ok now I've blocked under my bed and she's nicely situated where she gave birth, and seems content to stay there. my rooms small so the bed was really the only hiding spot. some of the kittens are starting to get patterns too, which makes it easier to tell apart. well . she...
  6. T

    I have kitties!

    There are five. Four of them are under the bed. I think she's rejecting one of them. Which is really really really bad. I have school ten hours a day. and I just bruised the bone on my finger.
  7. T

    I have kitties!

    nother update. PICS! She's also decided to play the "let's hide the kitties under mommies bed" game. She's under there right now with two of them, and peeking out from under the bed waiting for me to leave to get the other two under there. and of course, the bed is low enough that I...
  8. T

    I have kitties!

    Rowena had her kitties this morning. Five in total, from 6 am to 8 am. I missed the last two while I was at school today. And I'm so glad this is the only litter she's going to have, because the waiting nearly killed me and then she had the babies in bed with me. Going from sleeping to OMFG...
  9. T

    Queen Question

    I don't' have the faintest clue when she's due. She snuck out and got pregnant. (definitely getting fixed after this mess. ><) Rowdy for Rowena is up in my face wanting to be in my lap, etc. She woke me up just about every hour wanting petting. I haven't had to refill her bowl at all today, but...
  10. T

    Queen Question

    When do queens begin giving colostrum? I swear that i read somewhere it was 12 to 24 hours before birth. She was acting rowdier than usual because I've confined her to my room, just in case, and she's currently grooming like crazy. is that a sign of early labor?
  11. T

    The Kitten Watch thread

    my kitty rowena is pregnant. I'm not sure how far along she is, but we can feel the babies very well, she's been pinked for a while, and she's eating like crazy.
  12. T

    Tired of pictures yet?

    aw they're adorable. I have acat named Cleopatra. Mr. cleo. ><
  13. T

    Rowen just..looks weird.

    her appetite is fine. she eats well, but not too much. I gave her a kitten safe wormer when i found her, and her stool didn't have anything odd with it. and yeah..her being pregnant wouldn't be the best in the world >< The only vet office within 30 minutes here is for farm animals only. Horses...
  14. T

    kitty bellies!

    In most cat family cultures it says, you're the mommy or daddy, I trust you. I think it depends on how trusting your cat is towards you, and again, just what the cat likes. Mr Cleo is my giant kitty, (he's mixed so I don't know what exactly he is but it's big) I've had him since his was just...