Recent Content by syadras

  1. My first preggo mama!

    My first preggo mama!

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  3. S

    My first preggo mama!

    Yes she did! :)
  4. S

    My first preggo mama!

    Mucus plug is gone!
  5. Post your favorite photo of your cat!

    Post your favorite photo of your cat!

  6. S

    Post your favorite photo of your cat!

    Studying nursing finals. She's really huge now lol!!
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  8. S

    My first preggo mama!

    Give or take what I originally stated, I had exams and finals so my time frame stinks. I will give her another week, she's already producing milk. I'm so thankful you have given me a time frame! Thanks so much!
  9. S

    My first preggo mama!

    Hey thanks! Oh gosh, It was probably 2 weeks ago I was able to feel them move, she's having 2 (3 would surprise me).
  10. S

    Need help!! labor soon or no labor?

    I'm reading your posts, I hinknwe are almost in the same boat! I've taken my preimp to the vet 3.5 weeks ago, she guesstimated 1-2 weeks lol! Called, since she's not in distress, she's okay! It helps since I'm in nursing school and LOVE OB! My Tiana is just sleeping in our bed, miserable...
  11. S

    My first preggo mama!

    I have a pregnant cat who is due. I noticed watery discharge and since she has stopped grooming herself down there, I wiped her and its light brown. Her stomach has also been getting hard around the kittens, so I assume Braxton hicks? She's very affectionate, no labor signs such as change in...
  12. S

    Post your favorite photo of your cat!

    When a four year old "borrows" your phone...