Recent Content by sweetiepie58

  1. sweetiepie58

    Sweetie is her name, shes being mean and biting and scratching....

    Thank you for your welcome and your post. I am feeding my cat a mixture of friskies wet foods ( verity box) and Purina one indoor cat. My cat is super active and we play constantly, We have a routine of every morning she will wake me up by purring and standing on my stomach and ( i sleep on my...
  2. sweetiepie58

    Can you feed yogurt to your cat? I thought all cats are lactose intolerant?

    I read on some other website about foods you can and cannot give to a cat, my cat ran off with a piece of popcorn and ate it so I wanted to make sure she wasn't going to die from it. Apparently, Cat's can eat yogurt (and popcorn) because it's not made of milk. Plain yogurt has probiotics and can...
  3. sweetiepie58

    Sweetie is her name, shes being mean and biting and scratching....

    Hi, I am a new poster here and I adopted a cat named Sweetie about a month and a half ago from a humane shelter in Michigan. She was 11 months old when we got her and now i think she's almost 13 months.When we first got her, she was such a sweetheart and would come and cuddle with my husband and...