Recent Content by swampwitch

  1. swampwitch

    Bad Customer Service!

    Thanks again for all the encouragement! Everything is wrapped up now.  As mentioned already, the rest of the stair treads showed up, and the blinds guy finally came and put up the right color shades. The lampshade was a continuing hassle, with the company telling me the shade is "on the truck"...
  2. swampwitch

    Question of the Day, Friday, December 11

    My favorite is a veggie pizza with anchovies. I also love black olives and green olives together on pizza. Can you tell I like my pizza a little salty?   Most pizza places are just okay. Really unless it's over or undercooked, it's difficult to mess up a pizza if decent ingredients are used...
  3. swampwitch

    My thoughts on the "pull n' play" by Friskies.

    I've never seen toys that dispense food, but I don't look specifically for them. The fact that there are "a million of them out there"  like this one doesn't change my opinion, though. Our cats would start expecting treats along with the play if I introduced something like that.
  4. swampwitch

    Any homeschoolers here?

    I wish. Our daughter has always been a very social animal, and being an only kid it just wouldn't have worked for us. Her schools were not that great, either, there were some good teachers but mostly not. She's in grade 12 now and we are still tutoring her (precalc at the moment) because she's...
  5. swampwitch

    My thoughts on the "pull n' play" by Friskies.

    This just seems like a bad idea to me. I play with the cats so they have exercise (also they make me laugh) and eating is not a part of it.  It's like nibbling on candy bars while doing pilates, lol.
  6. swampwitch

    Question of the Day, Sunday, December 6, 2015

    Fog is so beautiful! We used to live by the shore and you could always tell when it was Fall because of the fog rolling in from the water. I'll never forget walking home from the store one day with my daughter (she was little, I think around 5) and we rounded a corner and saw what looked like a...
  7. swampwitch

    What's your favorite potato salad recipe?

    This is the only potato salad I ever make. The first list is reunion-sized recipe, so I've also included the smaller family-sized recipe. 4th of July Potato Salad (1885) originally from Waynelll Duderstadt, Weesatche, Texas 10 pounds brown russet potatoes, boiled slowly with skins on 2 cups...
  8. swampwitch

    Interesting holiday poll I found

    I don't know #1 or #3. I think that might be a good thing. My least favorite is "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." It seems belittling somehow, trivialized, like if you ask someone "How's your little job?" or "I heard you started a little business" or "Are you enjoying your little...
  9. swampwitch

    What does YOUR cat hunt?

    OMG! That video is crazy! The crocodile keeps trying to chomp the leopard's head, but leopard is amazing! What a beautiful cat. Our kitty Sparkle has always been a great hunter. When she used to go outdoors, we would find poor dead mice and rats by the back door all the time. As an indoor cat...
  10. swampwitch

    Question of The Day. Saturday the 5th of December

    You know, I've always heard that and was surprised to find that magnets work on all the stainless steel appliances in our new kitchen. They stick to the dishwasher too, which I'm happy about because we need one of those clean dishes / dirty dishes magnets for it. We have 3 little silver magnets...
  11. swampwitch

    Question of the day - Thursday 3 December

    We have just one TV, in the living room. We don't have cable but we use it for games and watching dvds. It's never just running because you really have to have a reason to sit down and turn everything on. I like to watch old movies sometimes while I'm sewing or cooking, but I've been using an...
  12. swampwitch

    About surprises in FB

    Geez, you mean moved? That seems like a pretty major thing to find out on social media.   Maybe they're just on a vacation? My daughter is 17, but once she's in college I'm sure I'll find out all kinds of things about her over facebook.   
  13. swampwitch

    Question of the Day, Friday, December 4

    I love clear lights for our Christmas tree, but we always seem to add another color for some reason. White and red lights together is my favorite combo, but we have done some snow-and-ice themed trees so we usually use white and pale blue lights for that. Multicolor lights are beautiful, too...
  14. swampwitch

    Hallmark Ornaments

    I don't see anything wrong with gifting them - I guess it's not technically re-gifting since you bought them for yourself. Just make sure they don't have a year printed on the front 'cause that would be awkward. An angel ornament is a very nice gift. 
  15. swampwitch

    Question of the day 12/02/15

    Our honeymoon was the best vacation.