Recent Content by suzie hayward

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  8. suzie hayward

    How to clean goobies off the wall!

    Thank you -yes ur right! Well I got some scrubbing bubbles foam - it sticks and softens the goob - then it takes not much effort to erase them .Thanks all!
  9. suzie hayward

    How to clean goobies off the wall!

    Thank you -yes I have and it takes the paint off ! I am going to try some scrubbing bubbles -I heard that was good for something ,can't remember what but it should stick!
  10. suzie hayward

    How to clean goobies off the wall!

    Thankyou for the thread
  11. suzie hayward

    How to clean goobies off the wall!

    Oh I know what her problem is .
  12. suzie hayward

    How to clean goobies off the wall!

    Hello One of my cats has constant sinus probs . She will inevitably sneeze and it goes up the wall . If I don't catch it and it dries it is a devil to get off ! Does anyone have the answer to a magic cleaner please?