Recent Content by suartel

  1. suartel

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    It has been 18 mons since my kitty's full mouth extraction. I was tormented by the decision to do the surgery. I pray so hard for this cat and went to three vets before giving in. It was the right move for us. I know every cat is different and heals differently. My vet did her surgery early in...
  2. Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

  3. IMG_3776.JPG


  4. suartel

    Has anyone had their cat's teeth pulled - how much did you pay?

    Here in Florida, I took my cat to several vets and finally found a board certified feline specialist in Ormond. She agreed that the best treatment would be a full mouth extraction. It cost us $1800 in summer of 2015. My kitty has been a new girl ever since. It was worth it to us, especially...
  5. suartel

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    Update. My kitty is is over 2 months post surgery. She is so great. Not one bit of droll, bad breath or pain and redness. She is very vocal and playful since surgery. Her redness would come back right after steroids would wear off (usually 3-4 was, max). Ultimately, I am glad we did it.
  6. suartel

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    It's good to hear that cats get along fine after their teeth are gone. My kitty is 7 days post-op and she already seems really good. Before, she would stop eating every time she was in pain and soon after surgery she ate her food. She now eats her soft food twice a day with no problem, and no...
  7. suartel

    Comment by 'suartel' in media 'IMG_2905.JPG'

    I have a sweet girl that looks like your kitty. Adorable
  8. suartel

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    Thank you so much for the update! I am so happy for you (and of course, Simon!). I was so upset about the prospect of removing all her teeth but I am realizing it was more about me and she would be ok, maybe way better without them. She is scheduled for tomorrow and although I still feel like...
  9. suartel

    Will my cat be ok if his teeth are removed?

    I know this is an old post but I would love to hear how your cat is doing now. My kitty is only about 3 yrs old and I am going through this since March. I feel terrible for her and a new specialist just recommended full mouth extraction. I too feel terrible about it. I made an appointment for 2...
  10. suartel

    Has anyone had their cat's teeth pulled - how much did you pay?

    I know this is an old thread but in case anyone needs this info. My poor kitty was diagnosed in March and after spending about $600 on steroid shots and pain mess, I went to a Board Certified feline specialist. She too recommended a full mouth extraction and the quote I received for everything...