Recent Content by strakatzz

  1. S

    It is snake season

    Yes the snakes are out. I've seen several so far, I only had to kill one of em though. A young copperhead that had decided to take up in my shop. Most snakes I let go unless they are in a position to harm me or my family in any way. Btw Do any of you have outside cats catch snakes and bring...
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    Where does everyone live?

    L.A. Lower Arkansas
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    Saved from intruder by Red Cat! My hero!!!

    I had a big ole gray tabby named Tom. Tom liked my dad and when he was sick in the hospital I would put on a heavy jacket and smuggle Tom in to see my dad. I think it was good for both of them. Tom spent 2 days with pop in the hospital in Shreveport, He actually got busted by the nurses but they...
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    *sigh* I dont know what to do....(long vent...)

    The deer whistles don't work. I see that you live in Kentucky,I'm afraid that deer are a fact of life there just the same as they are here in Arkansas. I do a lot of driving after dark and as you might imangine I have had several close encounters with deer. Some of the area auto body shops main...
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    I do have more cats those were just the ones watching me play with the computer or sitting by the heater in the den.
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    Hi ya'll I'm Billy and I just wanted to say hi. So do Brownie,Yeller,Lisa,Psycho,Pyewacket,Polly,Midge,Molly,Peanut,BoBo,Courtney,Fish Bait,Dirty Rotton Tater Chip,Sadie,Fingers, Spooky,Margret and Miss Munchkin. Hello from the cat house.