Recent Content by stitches

  1. stitches

    Update on "dumpster kitten"

    We named her Penelope. She has a hearty appetite. Uses the litter box. Sleeps in her little bed. No fleas. Gets along with our little poodle. Our big German Shepard police dog is sniffing her while I hold the kitten. He is well trained but I hold the kitten always if I let him in. Penelope goes...
  2. stitches

    Found it behind a dumpster. How to care for a 6/8 week kitten

    Hi everyone. Found a 6 to 8 week kitten. What to feed it? So far I'm giving her a half can (small can) wet kitten food (watering it down some) once in the morning, noontime, and evening. So that's about 1 1/2 cans a day plus water in a bowl. Can anyone tell me if this is ok? She eats it all. I...