Recent Content by sphelan107

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  2. sphelan107

    Help me my cat has been diagnosed with Ulcers on tongue:(

    Hello All! Sorry for the delay in my replies to everyone and their advice, concerns, and most of all the wonderful words of advice and we'll wishes for my little girl Piper! I unfortunately had to say goodbye to my baby this past Monday, it was the hardest thing in the world but she was...
  3. sphelan107

    Help me my cat has been diagnosed with Ulcers on tongue:(

    Why do u believe that to be crisis mode if she has gone from hiding under the bed with no social interaction at all and not to mention her tense little body was so non friendly were she now is cuddled next to me purring and snoring like a champ relaxed as a limp biscuit, lol! If you ask me that...
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  5. sphelan107

    Help me my cat has been diagnosed with Ulcers on tongue:(

    OK I have been diluting her soft food! She has an array of choices along with her wet food, 3 different flavors as well as 3 different flavors of baby foo,tuna juice, milk,water, even cool whip(absolutely her favorite), she still didn't want to eat it. On the happier side of the situation she is...
  6. sphelan107

    Help me my cat has been diagnosed with Ulcers on tongue:(

    Stressed out for my poor kitty, she unfortunately been to the vet and put through all tests to find out she has ulcers on the back of her tongue behind her tongue and is seriously in need of some relief! She is getting 2 doses daily of liquid pain killer and has already been medicated with both...
  7. sphelan107

    Not using litter box

    It's because of the type of liter you have in the box that he is doing this and it can be fixed fairly easily. . Declawed cats have several sensitive nerves that are now exposed into he paws and are extremely sensitive to certain litter brands. Need to Google which brand is best for cats with...
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