Recent Content by Spask

  1. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Do they eat the 1/2 cup in one sitting or nibble throughout the day? Maya literally inhaled the same amount in like 5 minutes, lol.
  2. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Like Neo said, I would definitely only use the '70kcal per kg of weight' as a guideline, not a rule! It's just helpful for me to know they're roughly getting the right amount of food. I decided to do an experiment today and piled up both their bowls with Orijen - so about 1/2 cup, which is...
  3. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    I would love to put them on a full wet food diet but money is a restraining factor right now. :( I know Orijen is suppose to be good quality (as far as dry foods go, anyway) .. or would I still be better off substituting a slightly "subpar" wet food instead? Some of our local pet stores had a...
  4. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Thank you, this makes me feel better! So assuming they weigh 6.5 lbs (= 2.95kg?), they'd need around 206 kcal daily, right? If I did all my math correctly I don't think I'm too far off - I added up all their food and it came out to about 202 kcal. I'll just make sure they get a heaping cup of...
  5. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Thanks again! I definitely don't want to risk hindering their growth but I don't want Maya to get too chunky either, so I'm not sure what to do. Would it be better to stick to the scheduled meals, but let them eat as much of the dry stuff as they want in one sitting - then take the bowl up? How...
  6. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Thank you! At what age would I want to put them on an "adult" diet? Is 9 months still considered a kitten? I know they all grow at a different pace- but some say they're already fully grown at 6 months, others not until a year or older.
  7. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Oops, forgot that bit! They'll be around 9 months old by the end of December.
  8. Spask

    Am I Giving My Cats The Right Amount Of Food?

    Hello! Up until recently, I was giving my two kitties canned food twice a day and leaving dry food down for grazing. This seemed to be working fine until I got them spayed - now suddenly, one of the two ("Maya") has developed an insatiable appetite for crunchies. I can't leave a bowl down...
  9. Spask

    Is Comfortis Safe? Best Treatments For Fleas?

    Thank you both for the advice! I was already leaning towards a topical treatment/Revolution after doing some research online, so I think I might try that first and see how it goes. Going to keep up the combing, too - I was able to pluck two fleas off Maya (the Siamese-looking girl) this...
  10. Spask

    Is Comfortis Safe? Best Treatments For Fleas?

    Hello! Our two kittens (about 6 months old now) have been suffering with fleas. I tried bathing, combing, etc. but only seem to find flea dirt and not the actual culprits. Our vet suggested comfortis but I've never used oral flea medication before - is it safe? Or am I better off with a topical...
  11. Spask

    Cat Bowls And 'whisker Fatigue'?

    I recently switched my two kittens over to canned food and they love it! The only problem is they tend to push the food into the corners of the bowl and then give up unless I dig it out for them. So I got searching online for a more "cat-friendly" dish and stumbled across a product called 'Dr...
  12. Spask

    Litter Training 6 Week Old Kittens?

    Thanks for all the replies. Unfortunately I woke up to another puddle outside the box at 5 AM this morning. :( Going to make a trip to the pet store today and see if I can get a 2nd box and a different litter (are there any good alternatives to kitten attract in case they don't have it?) One...
  13. Spask

    Should I Switch My Kittens To Wet Food?

    Thank you! My sister feeds the neighborhood strays and one of them had kittens under her porch. She took one, and I adopted the other two. We already had them checked out by the vet and they estimated they're about 6 weeks old. Not vaccinated or spayed yet (the vet recommended waiting until...
  14. Spask

    Litter Training 6 Week Old Kittens?

    Forgot to add, the black one also pees outside of the litter box INSIDE the crate. She seems to prefer the corner. I've tried moving the litter box to the corner where she pees but then she just switches to a different corner.
  15. Spask

    Litter Training 6 Week Old Kittens?

    Thank you! I'm using World's Best "Zero Mess" litter. Fresh Scent Cat Litter | Zero Mess Would it be worth trying a different brand or should I give it a little more time?