Recent Content by snmcdowell

  1. S

    Ringworm or Something Else...

    My adult cat started to get round patches of bald spots that turned really red and were the size of a quarter or more. She is not an outdoors cat and we did not introduce any new animals into our house. The vet used a light to determine the spots looked like Ringworm. We treated both cats...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    Guess what? I found a new spot of ringworm on Zoe last week and another one appeared shortly after. Zoe has now been through and entire month of Program and I spray her spots which seems to help, but she keeps getting new ones. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to completely get...
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    Cat Growled While Pooping

    This post is just an FYI to anyone who may have a similar issue. My adult cat Zoe began peeing outside of her litter box. Since we have had behavioral issues in the past, I did not think much about this. It was upsetting but probably nothing to worry about. Then I noticed that she was...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    Zoe has not received any new spots and almost has all of her fur back. She is doing great! The growling issue mentioned was a separate problem that I will post about to provide information for others.
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    One pupil larger than the other?

    The new vet that examined Drake thought she saw a burst blood vessel in the bottom half of Drake's eye - the one with the larger pupil that would not respond to light as quickly or effectively. Unfortunately this is usually caused by high blood pressure and his blood pressure has been fine...
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    Cat panting alot after minimal exercise?

    Ever since Zoe was a kitten she would pant after minimal exercise. I mentioned it during one of her first vet visits as a kitten and they did an xray and found that she had pectus excavatum where her rib cage and heart are malformed. There's a surgery to correct it but it looked much more...
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    One pupil larger than the other?

    I'm taking Drake back to the Vet tomorrow because he still has one pupil larger than the other but now he is not acting like himself. He's being very antisocial, whiney, and he's staying in dark rooms. I'm seeing a different doctor this time and I'm going to suggest the ear infection like...
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    My cat growled while pooping

    My cat started to growl while she was pooping in her litter box. She was also peeing outside of the box, right next to it. Since we've had behavioral issues in the past, it was a toss up whether to take her to the vet. However, since the growling was fairly new and she seemed to be throwing...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    Well, as mentioned earlier, Zoe was doing well and all her spots were healing ..... then about 1 week after taking her second dose of Program - she got a new spot. I sprayed it with the medicine from the doctor and continued with the remaining Program treatment. It has started healing. We go...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    Zoe is doing much better - the spots stopped spreading after Day 2. Her fur is now growing back in those spots and I'm not having to spray her with the medicine anymore. My other cat, my husband, and I remained clear of the ringworm. Next Monday we'll give them their 2nd dose of "Program" and...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    The spots are spreading.... it started with 1 on her front leg - then spread to 3, then she got a 4th on her hind she has one under her chin. We gave her the medicine Monday night and I try to put the anti-fungal cream on her but she just licks it off which I think irritates it...
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    Drinking Water or Bath Water?

    I have two cats - the younger male likes to put his paws in their bowl of drinking water. I think this deters my female from drinking out of it - she basically makes me empty the bowl and watches me re-fill it before she will drink from it. Why does he do this? If I add another bowl of water...
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    EPA Investigating Spot On Flea & Tick Treatments

    Thank-you very much for sharing this information. My cats started taking Vectra 2 months ago. They are both having health problems but I'm not certain it's related. One threw up more often after being treated and now has bald patches which we are treating as ringworm but do not know for...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    Yes - it looks like the very first picture (Finn) - only a couple days later the white skin turned red/irritated. The vet thinks that is even more indicitive of ringworm if the skin was pure white to start....she said if it had been overgrooming it would have been pink or irritated and not...
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    Cat Bald Patch

    The vet thinks my cat has ringworm but she only did the blacklight test so far. I find it hard to believe since: 1. She is 7 years old 2. She's only around 1 other cat that we've had for 5 years 3. She doesn't go outside 4. She's never had this before 5. The other cat is fine and neither...