Recent Content by skidittle

  1. skidittle

    New Kitty - Old Lurker - Training

    Hi All, I have been blessed with a new roomie. ~1 year old, spayed (after weaning accidental kittens). Neglected (skinny, parasites, ring around the neck from a flea collar that was never loosened as she grew) but never intentionally abused. I don't know her old owners but I can tell in the way...
  2. skidittle

    New "only" kitty is nothing like the last!!!

    Hi All, Potentially the last time I posted was about Lexi - who passed Sept 2011. Just this last Saturday (8/11/12) I went and picked up a cat I never met, to foster to adopt. Lexi was a stray with a recently weaned litter and so is this one (Cora). Well, they are nothing alike. I guess I...
  3. skidittle

    Moving Cross Country

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I did not get the job, so I will not be moving...
  4. skidittle

    Moving Cross Country

    Thank you - I have never heard of Feliway or Calm Down. I will research these. Has anyone ever flown a cat? I am looking at the option that is most easy on HER. She has recently been diagnosed with IBD. There is still a possibility we are looking at lymphoma. Fortunately, with her new food...
  5. skidittle


    Hi! I just joined this site to help navigate through some of my cat's health issues as she ages and also get other advice. I have a 14 year old spayed cat. I adopted her from the humane society 11 years ago - one of the best things I ever did. She has all her claws and has never scratched up...
  6. skidittle

    Moving Cross Country

    Hi, I might be accepting a job in Colorado (I am in Minnesota). I have a 14 year old spayed cat that will definitely be coming with me. Driving is about 15 hours and she really really hates the car. What are my options? Has anyone else done this and if so, how? Any other tips? Thank you so...