Recent Content by simonmamma

  1. S

    6 month old male starting to spray

    Simon never sprayed till he was about a year old...then we moved to a new apartment where my brother had lived with his unspayed female. He then started spraying CONSTANTLY on anything that was around...couches, floors, laundry, me...he'd even crawl into my drawers and do it on my laundry. It...
  2. S

    Have to share!

    Ok, so this has nothing to do with me or my cat, but I just read this, and it was HILARIOUS! What a kitty!
  3. S

    Arg Mil Help!!!

    LOL...hang in there!! Cats always seem to go to everyone but the person that wants them most. Simon does it to me, whenever we have guests. He's a total "traitor cat!"
  4. S

    My cat is neurotic!!!!

    Remember, kitties are nocturnal, so you may not ever be able to get get him to sleep all night. i know when simon was a baby, he was really active at night, and would keep me up literally all night. ( I won't horrify you with the story of what he did before I had him neutered...let just say I...
  5. S

    Is all hope lost?

    What do you guys think of getting him a brother or sister? I was thinking of getting another adult cat, becuase i'm not sure how he'd take to a kitten, so that he has someone to play with and keep him company when i'm fear is though, that he'll be mean to the new kitty...anyone ever...
  6. S

    Is all hope lost?

    Well, tried the feather behind me, and that worked for about a minute, but he must like the way my legs taste or something. I really do think he's trying to be playful, or even affectionate, but doesn't understand that teeth hurt! The coffee can with the coins in it seem to be working...the...
  7. S

    Is all hope lost?

    I'm desperate...I have a 5 year old male (neutered) DSH. He's a great cat, and has truly become my son. However, he is just randomly mean, and I cannot figure out why or what to do about it. Here's an example. When I come home, I can hear him as I come upstairs meowing, because he know's...