Recent Content by simby&co

  1. S

    is my cat sick?

    Poor Coco It seriously is so hard to watch your pet be sick. I hope she clears that infection soon! I'm gonna take Simby for his consult in about a month or so. Does it cost more to see a cardiologist than it does to see a general vet? (Minus all the costs for echo, EKG, etc.) I know I...
  2. S

    is my cat sick?

    Oh I'm so glad she was ok and didn't have all the things they said! I hope they don't find anything wrong with Simby after his cardio work up...even though it'll probably be really expensive. I guess I'd rather lose some money than to be sorry and miss an important diagnosis. Praying for...
  3. S

    is my cat sick?

    What did Coco have an echo for? Is he/she ok now? Btw - your kitties are adorable! I'm wondering if I should get some kind of pet insurance. Does anyone have any experience with it?
  4. S

    is my cat sick?

    So I took Simby to the vet today, and he said the vomiting was probably normal. He didn't really say much about the nosebleed...I guess he didn't think it was a big deal? He did, however, say that Simby's heart beat was more intense and faster than he's used to hearing in cats, even after...
  5. S

    is my cat sick?

    Thanks for all the replies! Yeah, the nosebleed seems pretty strange, especially since none of you have had any experiences with it. It wasn't dripping with blood or anything, but it was enough to form a small clot. I'm calling the vet tomorrow when they open to see if I can bring him in...
  6. S

    is my cat sick?

    I haven't actually seen him eat any string recently. He's been using his litter box normally, so I guess that's a good sign! Is it common for young cats to get sick?
  7. S

    is my cat sick?

    whiteforest: I did recently change him to adult Science Diet from the kitten version. No indoor or hairball control formula...just the regular adult chicken/rice one. Do you think this might be related to his vomiting? mews2much & blast-off-girl: Yeah, I think I should make a vet appointment...
  8. S

    is my cat sick?

    Hi everyone - this is my first time posting here. I've had my 1 year old cat since last summer, when I adopted him at 3 months of age. He's been pretty healthy since then - just one cold right after coming home from the shelter. Then a couple weeks ago, he had his first vomiting episode...