Recent Content by silver369

  1. S

    Runt of litter not nursing well

    we dont have a scale but i did bring up weighing the kittens to my mom when they were first born i cant get a scale today ill see if i can't borrow one but if not ill have to wait abit... tinys breathing seems better but sometimes he makes coughing sounds when i feed him. ill keep a close eye on...
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    Runt of litter not nursing well

    so it would be great to know. how often do i have to feed tinypaws? right now ive been feeding him every hour but im not sure if thats what im supposed to be doing I should have asked earlier but after i fed him the first time you saying to feed him again in a hour made me think thats how im...
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    Runt of litter not nursing well

    i just gave tinypaws a bit more food and while he still put up a bit of a fight i think he did better then the first time we tried to feed him.
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    Runt of litter not nursing well

    the other kittens are nursing fine there isn't anything wrong with the others from what i can tell. ill try mixing formula in the moms food next time i feed her as she just ate and all ive been giving her is wet food as i heard it's better for nursing cat because wet food has water in it so she...
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    Runt of litter not nursing well

    Thank you for the advice i went and got a kitten formula and when i got back tried again to get the runt (now named tinypaws) to nurse from mom that didnt work so with the help of a friend and alot of protests from tiny we managed to get a few drops in its mouth but thats as far as we got before...
  6. S

    Runt of litter not nursing well

    my cat had a litter of six just last night and one of the kittens didn't make it now the runt of the litter seems to be having trouble it keeps trying to hide behind its moms head or body and ive only seen it try to nurse once and im completely sure it got enough milk as its bigger siblings...