Recent Content by shinka

  1. S

    Cat probiotics Any views on this?  My hack of a wannabe 'vet' gave me this to treat y poor babe.  I now have an app with the Cat Clinic..but until then...suggestions...35 weeks of diarrhea..on...
  2. S

    Renal Disease/Failure

    I'm an idiot! It's the same link as yours! Great minds...
  3. S

    Renal Disease/Failure

    I'm sorry for the loss of your baby! Thank YOU for your response.  I have provided a somewhat lengthy response, but included within it, a phenomenal link which I do not, apparently, have authority to do on this site/forum, and so my post is being checked by moderators.  Hopefully it will be...
  4. S

    Renal Disease/Failure

    I'm sorry to hear about your baby! My heart was rushed  to animal emergency in the 26th of June, where he underwent emergency surgery for septic peritonitis.  A kidney was removed, and the other appeared grossly normal. Arrhythmia, water in/on the lungs, aspiration of the lungs with syringes...
  5. S

    Renal Disease/Failure

    Also...any one out there well-versed on using phosphorus binders, specifically aluminium h...?.... views?
  6. S

    Renal Disease/Failure

    My baby is urinating many times a ay, an the time re. flow urination varies anywhere from 6 seconds to 24 seconds.  Frequency varies greatly also. He is receiving specialist care, has undergone two surgeries, with one kidney remove...on an one can tell me HOW LONG a cat will...