Recent Content by shaggyzr2

  1. S

    Cat lice and Frontline

    Thanks! I sure hope so too, this has been a rough winter trying to figure out why my cats were so itchy!
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    Cat lice and Frontline

    Yeah.....they seemed to be getting better, then got a little itchier, I'm guessing more hatched recently. I took the fist two cats to the vet, they didn't find anything on them besides a few little sores on their skin, they even did a skin scraping and skin biopsy and found nothing. then I took...
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    Cat lice and Frontline

    I thought about that but....I have one cat that would be ok with a bath, the other one would probably hate me for it, and the other guy totally hates water and he's old so I'd hate to stress him out like that.
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    Cat lice and Frontline

    I've been washing and vacuuming everything, and combing them with a flea comb once, sometimes twice a day. I honestly do not know how they got them, I take them outside for walks but on a leash so they have no contact with other cats, and this all started over the winter when they werent going...
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    Cat lice and Frontline

    Right on the frontline box it says it kills chewing lice, and I called frontline this morning and they do not recommend giving it to them for any less than a month apart.
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    Cat lice and Frontline

    So I found out that my cats have lice, put frontline gold on them 3 weeks ago, I am seeing improvement but still itchy. Anyone have experience with lice, and using frontline for lice? My vet recommends a second dose which I plan on doing, just wondering how long it take to completely get rid of...
  7. S

    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    Took one of them to the vet again and found lice, that was 3 weeks ago, treating with frontline gold. So far I see some improvement but still itchy. anyone use frontline for lice? how long does it take to get rid of them?
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    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    I was using the unscented, I bought it from pet supplies plus. I just went and bought some wood litter, we'll see if that helps!
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    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    I will try different litter again. I've tried different foods, even tried allergy food from the vet, but they don't seem to like the allergy food.
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    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    Seems like all I've been doing lately is investigating! I doubt it did anything to the litter. I've even thought about mold, I have a small crawl space under part of the house 80 sq ft. it does smell moldy under there but it's isolated from the rest of the house and the cats don't go in there...
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    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    I think the vet was looking for whatever he could see in the scraping, he didn't see anything abnormal. He said they will look through the layers of skin in the lab to see if they can find anything, I should have results back next week. I've taken everything out of the house that I brought in...
  12. S

    all 3 of my cats started scratching around the same time. very itchy!

    So all 3 of my cats started getting itchy back at the end of december. scratching and overgrooming, one has half of the hair on his back legs gone from grooming, they all have little sores/bumps. Took them to the vet on jan 5th, they didn't find any fleas or see anything in a skin scraping. They...