Recent Content by SeñorBoots

  1. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    That’s a possibility even with antibiotics? He got a shot that lasts for 2 weeks after the procedure. He’s also on D-mannose which I’ve read helps avoid urinary infections. I did think that if it wasn’t for the catheter the other option would be a UTI but because he would only act uncomfortable...
  2. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    Yeah, I understand! We’ve never used the bottle, I had read up that it usually doesn’t works and I felt more like I would be bothering him if we did. We also avoid stomping and even using shoes near him because it freaks them out, he’s a very “jumpy” cat. Sometimes we think he may have been...
  3. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    Just the word “no”, we try not to use it anymore near him. We don’t reprimand him or yell at him since we know he’s sick and we’re terrified when it comes to his flare ups. It’s gotten to the point where we let him poop wherever he wants and it’s been a year with the litter box issue. He has 2...
  4. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    Alright, I’ll call the vet and see if I can get more and explain why. Thank you! Oh my I can only imagine having to deal with bears 😭 With Boots my family and I had assumed that his recent flare ups before the blockage were due to me spending the night out so I have stopped since the blockage...
  5. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    Thank you! That’s a bit of a relief! The first month I had kept him on prazosin for the inflammation/spasms. He’s been off them for about a week or two as it’s going to hit 6 weeks in a few days. He’s still on the Gabapentin for the pain and anxiety. The vet had told me to only keep him on it...
  6. SeñorBoots

    Recovery After Catheter

    Hello Everyone! I have a cat named Señor Boots and he's 4 and 1/2 years old. He’s been suffering from FIC and flare ups since he was 2 and I have done so many things to try and prevent flare ups but unfortunately he got blocked January 14. They put a catheter in and kept him for a few days at...
  7. SeñorBoots

    2 unexplained spots on my cats head

    Thank you guys for your help and suggestions! While his spots have healed and gone away, today he had a vet appointment and I told them my concern for the allergies and if they could check his ears for an infection or anything that could’ve caused him to scratch. They dismissed the allergies and...
  8. SeñorBoots

    2 unexplained spots on my cats head

    Thank You! I don’t have insurance but I am going to look into it as it will probably be cheaper and a good thing to have.
  9. SeñorBoots

    2 unexplained spots on my cats head

    I thought it could be an allergy due to him also having runny eyes since I can even remember and the constipation issues. When I asked the vet last month she told me the runny eyes could be due to a respiratory issue he could’ve had when he was a kitten but that she did not suspect an allergy...
  10. SeñorBoots

    2 unexplained spots on my cats head

    Hello! This is my cat Señor Boots. About a week ago I had taken him to the vet due to him vomiting every couple days. Last Monday he wasn’t eating in the morning and the little bit he ate, he threw it up. The vet assumed that he was having a gastro problem as well as telling me that he needed to...