Recent Content by scott blodgett

  1. scott blodgett

    Please help me give my cat a chance to live!

    Our Beloved GreyBaby passed way. GreyBaby passed away in our arms on Friday morning July 8, 2016. Hi all, We said our final goodbyes as we held him wrapped in a soft blanket. The animal hospital was kind enough to let us take him outside in the first morning light. He was stabilized...
  2. scott blodgett

    Please help me give my cat a chance to live!

    Hi Catsknowme, Thank you for your reply and your prayers are greatly appreciated! We believe in the power of prayer too. We will pray and send positive thoughts  to your child. My wife and I tried to see if we could set it up directly to our vet's office through the Gofundme page , however...
  3. scott blodgett

    Please help me give my cat a chance to live!

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