Recent Content by scootermac

  1. scootermac

    Diabetic cat

    I just posted an introduction over at the FDMB, so I'm on my way over there. Right now, the vet doesn't want us doing home testing, because her levels are so out of control that he just wants to get them anywhere near normal first. Yesterday, the lowest he saw during the curve was ~275 - still...
  2. scootermac

    Diabetic cat

    Thanks, I'll check it out! We started insulin (PZI) yesterday, and she's already gone from lazing on the floor to chasing the other cats like the terror she is again, so I'd say she's perked up some - unfortunately, that means the rest of our cats are back to hiding.  We've also got her on meds...
  3. scootermac

    Diabetic cat

    My Jett (the same ol' troublemaker) continues to be the cat to keep us on our toes - now she's developed feline diabetes.  She's only 3, and she's a healthy weight (9.5lbs) according to the vet.  She was tested before she was fixed, at the beginning of March, and her levels were normal then, so...
  4. scootermac

    Need some help!

    I think this critter is pretty smart - Lord knows the other three don't listen like that!!   She spent the weekend out and about, except when we were carrying in groceries, or during breakfast (she still doesn't recognize that other cats have to eat too, so we give the other three a half hour...
  5. scootermac

    Need some help!

    Also, I've noticed that she finally understands "no" - she'll look at whoever she was plotting to pounce, and when I tell her no, she looks at me for a second, yawns, and then toddles off to do something else or looks away from her intended target. I'd say she listens about 8 out of 10 times we...
  6. scootermac

    Need some help!

    We introduced them slowly over the course of 3-4 weeks. I'm not sure what changed, but she's been out with the others since we got home from work Friday. They're still not super thrilled with each other, but they'll all sleep in the same room without attacking/being attacked. New girl has...
  7. scootermac

    Need some help!

    Sometimes she swats and retreats,and other times I catch up and find huge chunks of the other cat's fur on the floor (and on two occasions, a bloody cat - both before surgery).  That's the reason the new one can't be out unsupervised. I feel like time will help, but in the meantime I worry about...
  8. scootermac

    Need some help!

    I get that, though her surgery was 3 weeks ago. My concern is that she was stalking/attacking the other cats before the surgery as well, and she continues to even with no provocation (or even being on the same side of the room).
  9. scootermac

    Need some help!

    She is definitely swatting with her claws out, lots of noise.  When the other cats walk around, she makes a chittering noise I've heard the 3-year-old resident girl use when watching squirrels.  I tell her no, and she (usually) listens, but you can tell she wants more than anything to pounce...
  10. scootermac

    Need some help!

    Backstory: During the cold snap (below-zero up here) around New Years, a small black cat (who we'd seen off and on in the neighborhood since last Spring) started to appear on our porch to eat.  We put out a box and towel for her, because of the temperatures, and once she let me, I sat outside...