Recent Content by saturdaysmom

  1. S

    3 existing cats meet kitten and attack/won't come in the house.

    My friend brought two kittens home to her family of 6 nuetered/spayed cats. She thought they were fine, esp since all had been nuetered and spayed. A day later she woke up to dismembered kitten parts all over her house. She called her vet in a frenzy wondering why a kitten had been killed...
  2. S

    I'm pregnant - will my cats be ok?

    Most obgyn's will ask if you have a cat and will test for toxiplasmosis, it is a simple blood screen. I found out with my first pregnancy that I had already been exposed to and showed the antibodies for... because according to my obgyn I "grew up with cats". He still suggested I not clean the...
  3. S

    I'm pregnant - will my cats be ok?

    Same here..when my mom was pregnant with me her cat laid upon her belly, and when I moved my mom said "she made the same sounds as when she was pregnant". When I came home, Susie the cat was there with me. My mom said she never left my side, and when I cried she got to grooming me. I...
  4. S

    My Cat Stalks Me When I Have My Coffee...WHAT THE?

    My cats always loved the smell of mint or menthol. Not more than once did I discover the two chewing gum they found in my purse. I had to put the toothpaste away lest the two would go on a mint rampage. Put Vicks on my chest when I had a cold, you would have thought I was the mecca for all cats.
  5. S

    Why do kittens sleep around your neck?

    I think it has to do with age that a kitten is weaned from its mom. I adopted a two week old kitten that was found abandoned and he was all about sleeping in my hair. he would lay in my hair, drool and make sucking noises. When I had my hair put up, he would try to remove it from the holder...
  6. S

    Shy Kitty Does the Catnip Roll

    Maybe he/she was letting you know they thought you were trustworthy to a point. I had a cat that once you made eye contact, wouold touch noses, give a lick then roll over. If I ignored her overtures, she would gently pull my face toward her with her paw, then roll over again. If I gave her a...
  7. S

    New new kitty doesn't want to use the litterbox

    Many of my cats have preferred private litter boxes. I had a cat that would go in hidden places (ie closet corners). Then I realized that she preferred covered litter pans placed in quiet places. She was a dark corner pooper so to speak.
  8. S

    my cat

    I had a cat that had a thing for money. Would break into wallets and carry off paper bills. His sister in the meantime was highly attracted to the smell of mint, she was known to run off with , and chew large amounts of gum, and attempt to insert her head into the mouth of anyone with minty...
  9. S

    cats that fetch.

    The best kitten I ever had I got when he was two weeks old. A tiny white, six toed boy, covered in ring worm, he love to play fetch. His favorite toy was a ball of aluminum foil. I threw he fetched and would place the ball in my shoe, prance and meow. He also had an affinity for dollar bills...
  10. S

    Can I add a kitten

    I agree. When I adopted both of those dogs, the schnauser as an adult, and the rott/golden as a puppy, my cat was full grown, had claws, and had dealt with dogs in the past. It took her some time but she eventually brought the schnauser to her way of thinking. as for the other dog, she gave...
  11. S

    Can I add a kitten

    I first had an awesome tortie, that I adopted at six weeks from a shelter. For ten years she lived with me then I adopted a five year old Schnauser. The dog drove the cat away from her food until one day the cat had enough and beat the crap out of the dog. I am talking about beard hair in...