Recent Content by sassy&angel

  1. S

    Moving: 5 hour car ride

    One other thing the one time that I put my cats in the back seat they howled all of the way. Did not make that mistake again.
  2. S

    Moving: 5 hour car ride

    I have quite a bit of experience traveling with my cats in the past 2 years. I have worked as a travel nurse. The longest drive I have had has been 8 hours. The best thing for my 2 has been to travel in separate carriers in the front seat. Had to get an extender for the seat belt. They stay...
  3. S

    Weird meow thing..

    How old is the cat? Since she has asthma she could have other chronic problems. Have you had her checked for diabetes?
  4. S


    Have a question for everyone with experience with Hurricanes. My cats have experienced a tropical storm but nothing worse. We are going to be in an area next month that we could experience a good tropical storm again or remnants of a Hurricane. My cats were nervous then, I don't know how they...
  5. S

    Kittens too young to have run of house?

    I think you are a natural when it comes to cats needs. I love Siamese also, I have one at home along with a tabby.