Recent Content by sasnme2

  1. sasnme2

    Friend of Ferals Award Badge - Apply Here

    I hope I'm doing this correctly to receive the 'Friends of Ferals' award badge. I feed a colony of feral kittens and cats that live around a local grocery store I shop at in another town. I feed them each morning and during the evening. The majority are very elusive, but there is one kitty in...
  2. sasnme2

    Cat is terrified of riding in the car

    That's exactly why I wrote such a long response about this subject. If you love your feline furbabies, you would NEVER let the them run loose inside your vehicle no matter where you're going. Plain and simple, it's just way too dangerous!
  3. sasnme2

    Cat is terrified of riding in the car

    I absolutely agree with GoldyCat, but want to add several thoughts.This is pretty much to everyone who lets their precious kitten or cat 'roam around' in their vehicle while driving to the vet or anywhere. This practice can be extremely dangerous for many reasons. While driving, we all know...
  4. sasnme2

    Do cats remember - Bad vets trip

    I just joined the Cat Site today because I was looking for answers to a completely different subject when I ran across this subject "DO CATS REMEMBER BAD VET TRIPS". I can say, with all honesty, that YES, they certainly do and they never forget! I rescued my precious tuxedo, Sassie, a little...