Recent Content by sarajane scully

  1. S

    need help finding out when my cat will have kittens

    I'm embarrassed but it was drool!!! Not amniotic fluid, she was curled up in a ball the way they do and since her face was near her butt I mistook the drool for amniotic fluid!!!!! I figured it out when I saw her sitting up drooling .. She drinks lots of water, I leave two fresh water bowls out...
  2. S

    need help finding out when my cat will have kittens

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate having someone to talk to about this... dry food and water and clean litter are always available, occasional treats, tuna fish especially, that's always very fun they get soooooooo excited so it's fun for me as well... I made a little fort for Stormy, the...
  3. S

    need help finding out when my cat will have kittens

    I took in a beautiful cat my neighbors didn't want the poor girl but my fixed male brought the cute little girl home a few times and I took the hint, so she's mine, my neighbors told me they don't want her, I have their permisson to keep her for me and my Bobcat's new adoptee.... I just realized...