Recent Content by sarah87

  1. sarah87

    High calorie cat food options?

    I'll give that a try it's worth asking can't do any harm . Thanks for your input
  2. sarah87

    High calorie cat food options?

    Iv already had his full blood work done the only abnormality is his lft is very high hense why the vet is recommending scanning. He is insured I just hope the vet will allow me to make a direct claim as the excess and 20% co payment isn't cheap
  3. sarah87

    High calorie cat food options?

    I will talk to them tomorrow and see if there is a best option to use just while investigations are on going. I can't believe the cost of a scan I £750 . It's going to be £1000 before we know what's going on 😞
  4. sarah87

    High calorie cat food options?

    Hi he's had.full blood work done everything is perfect apart from his alt being very elevated suggesting something to do with his liver. Just on the process of booking an ultrasound scan to determine what is going on. Thanks I will speak to them about that food x
  5. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    I will ask the vet if this is an option tomorrow when I call them thanks for the information x
  6. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    No it will be Monday now. I am letting him eat as much as he wants .
  7. sarah87

    High calorie cat food options?

    Hi all my senior cat 15 is losing weight ,we're currently having investigations with the vet to find out why. In the meantime to try mitigate the weight loss I was wondering if there was such a thing a higher calorie food options? He's eating and drinking without issue and is perfectly happy...
  8. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    The vet said raised alt is common in dogs but it sets off alarm bells in cats. I hate the weight he's losing I just don't want it to get to a point where he's weak. I took him on a Wednesday of last week then back 5 days later and he'd lost weight again in that short space of time . And he's...
  9. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    Hi all he's eating drinking fine and using his tray as usual. He defo shouldn’t be loosing weight with the amount he eats. I'm waiting to hear from the vets about booking his scan its a heafty bill of £750 on top of the £250 for the blood test so praying the vets will allow me to make a direct...
  10. sarah87

    13 year old cat fur gone spikey

    this is how my boy started perfectly happy in himself but looking scruffy and losing weight. had his blood results today and theres something going on with his liver( we did think thyroid initially but thats fine) i have made a post but awaiting a reply to see if anyone else has had similar...
  11. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    hes blood results are attached they dont mean anything to me ?
  12. sarah87

    advice needed: High Liver Values in Blood Test

    hi all im new here. my cat hes 15 (fuzz) hes happy and loving life but he has been losing weight rapidly. i took him to the vets they recommended blood tests aas they thought it may be an over active thyroid. the blood test has ruled out any issues with diabetes, thyroid issues or kidneys...