Recent Content by sandih13

  1. S

    12 yr old just diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    My thoughts exactly!! Yes, I do have all of her lab results along with a print out of her diagnosis. I have been researching information for her as what's best for. And not letting myself get an overload of information. I literally have tried everything to help her eat as well as making medicine...
  2. S

    12 yr old just diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    Yes, I am using the transdermal ointment methimazole along with few others. She had a slight UTI as well. Thank you again for those links!!
  3. S

    12 yr old just diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    Oh my gosh, my apologies! Yes it does change things. How embarrassing! Thank you so much for correcting me and the links.
  4. S

    12 yr old just diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    My girl Layla was just diagnosed 2 days ago w/hypthyrdism. My question is how to stimulate her appetite? She's drinking tons of water. But will NOT eat at all! She was never a picky eater. She loved basically all kitty treats. I was given meds for her,which is whole other issue to say the least...